The intractable problem of underfunded pensions

The intractable problem of underfunded pensions

The announcement in January by State Treasurer Beth Pearce that the state pension funds for teachers and state employees were grossly underfunded and that action had to be taken to make the plans sustainable alarmed all Vermonters, but most especially teachers and state employees who are counting on those funds for their retirement.

Two faces of Vermont

Two faces of Vermont

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who gave me a vote in the recent primary election. I do not take your support for granted, and I appreciate the confidence you place in me to do a good job representing you in Montpelier.

The state truck

The state truck

So it’s been a year since I sold my last truck, a wonderful 30-year-old Silverado—it was a guaranteed extra 10 minutes at the gas pumps as folks weighed in on the beauty of classic designs in years gone by. But the Silverado didn’t really work for me in Vermont, for the simple reason it was rust-free and I felt guilty about driving it in winter as in no time flat the salt on the roads would have it for breakfast. So off it went to a collector, and I tried life in Vermont without a truck.

Volunteer Vermont reunion and celebration of the life of John Mack

Volunteer Vermont reunion and celebration of the life of John Mack

Volunteer Vermont will hold a potluck reunion on Dec 27, from 3 to 7 p.m., in the vestry of the Charlotte Congregational Church. In addition to sharing memories of Summerton and the Prayer House Mission, the gathering will celebrate the extraordinary life of John Mack, the leader of Volunteer Vermont from its founding until his death on August 12, 2017. 

Budget presentations continue

Budget presentations continue

At its Oct. 9 meeting, the Selectboard heard budget proposals for the next fiscal year from five town agencies. The Listers Office proposed a budget of $61,720, down $6,327 from this year, largely because of reductions in the cost of paying for appraisals next year. Planning and Zoning projected a drop in anticipated revenue from $53,000 this year to $48,000 next year primarily because of reduction in permit application fees; it also anticipates a reduction in expenses of about $10,500 because of reductions in computer-related expenses and in the cost of reviewing applications for waste water permits.

Around Town for Oct. 18

Around Town for Oct. 18

Congratulations: to Charlotte resident and Middlebury physician Dr. Jeanne Andersson-Swayze who, as a member of Heart to Heart International’s Disaster Response Team, went to both Florida in September and Puerto Rico recently to give medical aid to storm victims. Her team in Puerto Rico headed inland to small and often remote towns.

Realtor tips for fall sellers

Realtor tips for fall sellers

Fall in Vermont is the perfect time of year for many things: apple picking, pumpkin patches and, of course, gorgeous foliage. But what about listing your home? Typically, as the leaves begin to fall so do the number of buyers searching the market. However, with current interest rates so low, you might be surprised to find many still eager and looking. And while most consider spring to be the time to list, selling your home while the cider’s hot can have its advantages too.

Trails Talk: Part1

Trails Talk: Part1

The Charlotte Town Link Trail has been in the news frequently over the past several months. Although this trail has been in the works for about 20 years, now that it is becoming a reality many townspeople are more interested in the trail and have more questions about it. In an effort to answer as many questions as we can, the Trails Committee is starting this column, Trails Talk, in The Charlotte News.