CVU students offer thoughtful,  passionate response to Parkland shooting

CVU students offer thoughtful, passionate response to Parkland shooting

Six students at Champlain Valley Union District High School (and one who weighed-in via email) gathered recently to discuss their responses to the mass shooting at Stoneham Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14.  All of the students agreed that their initial reaction to the news of the shooting was that it was “just another in a long line of school shootings,” but that this one, this time, has become a game-changer, with the voices of so many students being heard now.

Vision Reflects Values

Vision Reflects Values

The president’s State of the Union address is a tradition of our democracy that allows the head of the executive branch of the government to express his vision for America. It usually addresses a broad range of issues at a high level and is short on detail. Whether or not you agree with what is said, at least you get a pretty good idea of where the speaker is coming from. This got me thinking about my own communications, so I thought I’d try to deliver my own vision of what I try to accomplish as I serve as your representative in Montpelier.