Annual CCS PTO Holiday Craft Fair is virtual this year

Annual CCS PTO Holiday Craft Fair is virtual this year

Close your eyes, and imagine you’re in the Charlotte Central School MPR. Tables are set up by local artisans and entrepreneurs selling everything from calendars to face lotion to knitwear to Christmas ornaments. Now open your eyes and realize you can’t go there this year, but you can still get the same cool stuff, with the added bonus of being able to shop in your pajamas. The CCS PTO Holiday Craft Fair is all online this year from Dec. 10 to Dec. 13.

CCS strives to sustain community collaborations and seeks new opportunities

CCS strives to sustain community collaborations and seeks new opportunities

This past Friday, the Charlotte Central School Parent Teacher Organization and my CCS co-principal, Jen Roth, and I hosted a New Family Social as an opportunity for new families to get an overview of how the school and the PTO work together to provide opportunities for the students of CCS.