The Charlotte News should be…
Two weeks ago, Anna Cyr, our managing editor, and I sent a request to several Charlotte residents asking the question, “What sort of paper should The Charlotte News be?” We’re publishing the responses that we received.
Two weeks ago, Anna Cyr, our managing editor, and I sent a request to several Charlotte residents asking the question, “What sort of paper should The Charlotte News be?” We’re publishing the responses that we received.
Thank you to Bradley Carleton and Time for humble pie.
Opinion – Articles 6 & 7 reboot? No, thanks. By Alex Bunten
Letters covering town conflict of interests and The Charlotte News.
Charlotters voice their opinions on recent topics about Selectboard candidacy and support and opposition on Land Use Regulations.
This week’s question is an important one in a farm town: What’s your favorite animal?
Are you wondering what your neighbors are thinking about? So is Jim Squires, so he went around town asking people what they think; he’ll do this regularly for the paper until he runs out of Charlotters, which will probably be several years from now.
Hazards from shared use of our roads by bicyclists and automobiles At the Selectboard meeting of October 14, I…
I want to thank Peter Trombley for his excellent article, “CVU students travel to Washington to join March for Our Lives.” He captured the tone, the message, the scope and the importance of this very stirring gathering. In addition to the 38 students and five chaperones on the CVU bus, there were hundreds of other Vermonters there, including more than a few Charlotters.