And the survey says…
Mud season in our town of Charlotte is a thing of the past! As Road Commissioner Jr Lewis explained,…
Mud season in our town of Charlotte is a thing of the past! As Road Commissioner Jr Lewis explained,…
After months of planning, the Resilience Survey has launched, and Charlotte Community Partners wants to hear from each and every one of you. Why are we asking you to take the time to complete this? Because we do not want to simply hear from a few folks, we want to hear from all our residents. Unless you tell us what you think about our town and what you would like to see in our town, planning the future of our town becomes a guessing game. Are we prepared for the future? What do you think?
It was all about the budgets at Monday’s Selectboard meeting, as the first five town departments to present their FY2021-22 financial hopes and dreams shared spreadsheets in the first round of the yearly budget process.