Food Shelf News – October 7, 2021
The Food Shelf welcomes two new board members Anne Marie Andriola and Giles Anderson, both longtime food distribution volunteers.
The Food Shelf welcomes two new board members Anne Marie Andriola and Giles Anderson, both longtime food distribution volunteers.
In dismay, we watched the ever-cheerful daffodils droop, covered with April snow, but then the wild violets began popping up, bringing May’s renewal of good spirits.
We are watching the virus increase in states all around us and across the entire country, and I know we are all hoping that we, as independent Vermonters, stay the course and remain safe.
As I sit to write this week’s update from your Charlotte COVID-19 Assistance Team, I am struck by the fact that we’ve been dealing with this health crisis now for over six months, and our new normal now includes grabbing a mask before we head out of the house to our car to go someplace.
Your Charlotte COVID-19 Assistance Team continues to meet twice a month and has now officially taken on the task of discovering how our residents feel about where our town is going.
Even though Governor Scott and his team continue to move us forward through the COVID-19 piece, slowly, one step at a time, life still remains very uncertain and incredibly stressful for many. As fortunate as we are, living in Vermont where we have access to the out-of-doors and leadership that has taken the necessary steps to keep us all safe and well informed,
In this time of great stress, great need, great sacrifice, we are happy to offer one more report of great community, echoing Kimmerer, Merton and an old Sioux proverb that reminds us that “With all things and in all things, we are relatives.”