Why is summer camp such an important and irreplaceable experience for today’s kids? At Camp Hochelaga we believe the magic and lasting positive impact of the summer camp experience takes place because of a unique combination of people, place and values. At camp we combine an inspiring outdoor, screen-free environment with positive, patient, enthusiastic camp counselors, programs that support campers in trying new things and building new skills, and a set of core values focused on growing diverse friendships in a socially, emotionally and physically safe place.
Why is summer camp such an important and irreplaceable experience for today’s kids? At Camp Hochelaga we believe the magic and lasting positive impact of the summer camp experience takes place because of a unique combination of people, place and values. At camp we combine an inspiring outdoor, screen-free environment with positive, patient, enthusiastic camp counselors, programs that support campers in trying new things and building new skills, and a set of core values focused on growing diverse friendships in a socially, emotionally and physically safe place.