Our readers are grateful to these Charlotters

In November, we asked our readers to make Gifts of Gratitude, and to tell us about someone who makes a difference in their lives or in the Charlotte community. We received 20 responses which are listed here. It’s an extraordinary group of kind and generous friends and neighbors, just a few of the many people who make this special place the home that we love.

Bill and Nina Regan. Only recently moved here, helping out in so many ways including inclusivity, trails, All Souls, the paper.

Bill Fraser-Harris. He brings music and community celebration to the beach each summer.

Colleen Boyce. I’m grateful for her warm, big, open heart.

Dan and Jenny Cole. For holding and sharing so much historic knowledge about Charlotte.

David Waller. Lifelong friend.

Ed Sulva. For many years of involvement maintaining the ice rink and working with Fire and Rescue.

Harriet S. Patrick. She has supported the town for almost her entire 84 years.

Hugh Lewis, Jr. He is a conscientious person and such an important part of this town.

Jessica Scriver. For creating new Halloween traditions for the current generation of Charlotte youth.

John C. Sheehan. World War Two veteran.

Junior. He works very hard to keep our roads in shape all year round.  Sometimes on his own time and resources.

Kevin Goldenbogen, Susan Cooke Kittredge and Hadley Bunting for the “all are welcome here” culture at the Congregational Church.

Meredith Moses. Perfect neighbor to all who know her.

Peter Carreiro. For providing a wonderful dairy delivery service and for years volunteering with Fire and Rescue.

Sarah Montgomery. Loving wife of 31 years who died from cancer.

Susan Smith. For her endless work in the Charlotte Park and Wildlife Refuge – our very own Lorax!

Suzy Hodgson. For her ongoing service on the energy committee, which she founded and chaired for many years.

Vince Crockenberg. For his contributions and leadership at The Charlotte News and for his overall generosity, optimism and can-do attitude.

(John Quinney is a member of the board of directors of The Charlotte News and chair of the fundraising committee.)

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors