CCS prepares for next year with school budget passed

The passing of the Champlain Valley School District budget has allowed Charlotte Central School to start thinking forward to the 2024-25 school year. Plans were able to begin for student classroom placement for next year. When students returned from vacation on Monday, they were able to look ahead to an exciting last six weeks of school.

As the school year winds down, these are some upcoming notable dates:

Mon, May 20, 6:30-7:30 p.m. (change in date) — Spring Concert, fifth-eighth grade band and chorus, multi-purpose room

Thursday, May 23, 7 p.m. — Charlotte Central School Jazz Band will perform at CVSD Jazz Festival at the CVU Auditorium

Wednesday, June 5, 12:20-1 p.m. — Charlotte Central School Jazz Band will perform at the Discover Jazz Fest on Church Street

Thursday, June 6, 5:30-6:35 p.m. — Charlotte Central School Band and Chorus will perform the National Anthem at Lake Monsters Game at Centennial Field.

New student registration
Registration for new first-eighth grade students next year at Charlotte Central School for is open.

Please note that the following information is required upon registration:

  • Proof of residency
  • Immunization record from your child’s doctor by all CVSD schools prior to enrollment (VT Department of Health requirement)
  • Birth certificate (a copy is acceptable).
    If you do not have all of the above information, please do not register your children until you do.
    If you have any questions, contact Naomi Strada, Charlotte Central School assistant to the principals and registrar or 802-425-6600

Free summer meals for youths
Charlotte Central School has an amazing opportunity to help families in our district bridge the food gap during the summer by providing seven-day meal boxes for free for any child 18 or under. The boxes will include everything needed to make seven breakfast meals and lunch meals for one child. They will be simple, delicious and nutritious.

The school can offer this service thanks to some recent changes in USDA regulations for summer food service programs. Contact or call 802-383-1234 for more information about this exciting opportunity.

More families eligible for child care financial assistance
The state of Vermont helps cover child-care costs. Starting on April 7, more families will qualify for tuition assistance based on family size and income. For example, a family of four making $124,800 a year can get help paying for the program. To apply, contact

Summer camp information
This list of summer camps is provided as a convenience to Charlotte families. Charlotte Central School does not endorse any particular camp but provides the list as informational only:

  • Junior Redhawks running camp — For more information, contact Champlain Valley Union High cross-country coach Dave Baird or 802-578-8040.
  • CVU athletics — Families should start paying attention to the school athletics website regarding summer sports camp info, captains’ practices (not mandatory) and info for fall sports especially (tryouts usually start on Aug. 15). Any questions can be directed to the appropriate coach listed on our website or the athletic director.
  • CVU girls lacrosse summer camp, June 18-20, Tuesday-Thursday, 12:30-3:30 p.m. — Registration is open. This is for players entering fifth-ninth grades at CVU’s A Field, Cost: $125. This is a fundraiser for the girls lax program. CVU coaches as well as current and graduated lacrosse players will lead the camp. Questions.
  • CVU Summer Camp — CVU summer camp registration is live. Questions: Camp director Joey O’Brien.
  • Horse & theater camp — Sentinel Farms, Starksboro. Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., weeks of June 24, July 8 and July 29. Ages 6-17.
  • Smugglers’ Notch Vermonter Camp Program — Ages 7-15. Contact
  • Summer Symphony Camp — Vermont Youth Orchestra summer camp with Berta Frank.
  • Vermont Jazz Camp — with Andy Smith and Tony Pietricola.