Stay or go: Making plans for the apoc-eclipse
With the Great Total Eclipse fast approaching on April 8, most Vermonters have made a decision: Embrace this singular event, go whole hog and party like it’s 1932. Or, rent the house, room, yard, or tool shed and get the heck out of the Path of Totality.
The Charlotte News did the person-in-the-street thing to discover how folks living literally on the 50-yard line of the Solar Super Bowl were planning to greet the sun — or not.
Katie Troutman — I work at Horsford Nursery and we usually don’t take days off at this time of year. But the nursery provided eclipse glasses for all of us so we can look at the sky.
Tom Kenyon — I run Aurora Farm and the Nitty-Gritty Grain Company. I’ll probably watch the eclipse from my home.
Linda Furiya — I’m going to stay at home and watch there. I want to see how my horse, Tree, reacts to the eclipse.
Katie Berdan — I work for The Nature Conservancy. I’m sure I will be watching with my friends.
Dr. Andrea Fossati — I’m taking the day off. My daughter is going to come up from Massachusetts, and we’re going to celebrate, either in my backyard or at the town square.
Bud Lawrence — I’ve got six family members traveling here from Washington, D.C. On the day, we will probably go to Kingsland Bay State Park to watch the eclipse.

Jean Henry — My daughter lives on Mutton Hill and has a great view. A lot of open space. So, we’ll probably go there and have a party.
Marcia Bristow — We are having a family-friend gathering, and we live out on Harbor Road. Our friends live on the lakeside, so we will sit on their front porch feeling very fortunate to have such a good venue.
Dulce — I’m originally from Brazil, but I’ve been living in New York for more than 20 years. My fiancé lives here in Charlotte, and I’ll be watching with him.
(All interviews have been condensed and certified for accuracy. Conducted at the Old Brick Store and the Charlotte Library.)