Learning how students’ social and mental health needs are supported
In mid-February a team of experts talked about how they support the social and mental health needs of Charlotte Central School students. They discussed how they work to give children the instruction and support to feel successful academically, socially, emotionally and behaviorally.
Betsy Lloyd works with students and staff. During the week, she comes into classes to provide instruction with whole classes or small groups to develop strong pro-social relationships. She also does small lunch bunches, hosts snack groups and responds to acute emotional needs of students.
Amy Sayre is the student assistance program counselor. Sayre teaches a wellness class to fifth-eighth grade students and is the parent-in coordinator for the school district, a role which supports all parents.
Gabby Clow is a school services clinician. Clow’s caseload is intentionally limited so she can support the diverse needs students and families may experience.
As the district behavior system director, Evan Sivo supports all of the kindergarten-eighth schools in the district. He assists the Charlotte Central School team in layering support where behavior patterns spike, and he helps teams brainstorm ways to meet the developmental needs of students.
Diversity, equity and inclusion team
The Champlain Valley School District’s diversity, equity and inclusion team is celebrating diversity and connecting with the diverse cultures of the school community at in-person events where participants will learn the history of the various communities in Vermont. There will be shared cultural experiences, including art, food and conversations about educational experiences. At each gathering various groups, community members and stakeholders will present about their lives, work and contributions to our state.
The next diversity, equity and inclusion event takes place on March 15 from 6-8 p.m. at Williston Central School where attendees will be learning about the Somali community in Vermont. This event takes place during Ramadan. Come experience a traditional break-the-fast meal.
Planning for spring theater production
Sixth-eighth grade students met with theater director and leader of Full Circle Theater to plan for Charlotte Central School’s spring production. Students who enjoy spending time with others, accessing their creativity and participating in a memorable experience are encouraged to engage. More information about the play, the tryout materials and the timeline leading up to the production will be emailed soon.