Letters to the Editor: Feb. 22
Chea Waters Evans announces candidacy
To the Editor:
I’m almost halfway through my second year in my first term as the State Representative from Charlotte and part of Hinesburg; my district is officially called Chittenden-5, but unofficially, it’s just called home.
I’ve learned so much already, and I hope I’ve done a few things to improve our lives and our communities, and I’d love the opportunity to continue.
This is my official announcement that I’m running again this year; I know things are challenging right now (yes, the property taxes, I know, it’s awful) for many people and my hope is that I can keep trying to ease some burdens on the people in Charlotte and Hinesburg but also on all Vermonters.
I’m delighted to run into you all at the grocery store, a cocktail party, the lacrosse field, and even the orthodontist’s office, and know that you feel comfortable enough to tell me how you feel about issues or to ask me questions about the many topics that are of concern to you and your families. I truly do love it (although my kids get impatient with my constant chatting, which has always been an issue but is now Olympic level) and I’m so grateful that you trusted me with this important job. I’m going to continue to work as hard as I can to keep that trust, or earn it, or earn it back, as the case may be.
It’s been a true honor to represent you all, and I’d much appreciate your support again this biennium.
Chea Waters Evans
Peter Trono and Fat Cow Farm
To the Editor:
East Charlotte won the lottery when Peter Trono and his family decided to make Bingham Brook Road home. What few people know is that Peter agreed to conserve his new farm on a handshake and, with the capable help of David Miskell, did so very quickly.
His farm and family compound is a model for the more sustainable world we all seek, and he joyfully crafted it with great energy and joy. His farm store quickly became a community hub and gathering place for long-time Charlotters and nouveau Charlotters alike.
We are all profoundly grateful for Peter’s community service, vision, encouragement and friendship.
Clark Hinsdale
Vote for Natalie Kanner for Charlotte Selectboard
To the Editor:
I’m writing to encourage fellow Charlotters to vote for Natalie Kanner for selectboard.
Growing up in Charlotte with a mom on the selectboard, I was always somewhat aware of the ups and downs of town politics. It’s always come with challenges, successes, moments of pride and moments of frustration. My mom’s involvement, and my learning by osmosis, contributed to me becoming an active citizen today. It is important for us to support parents interested and willing to serve our town.
Now that I’m an adult Charlotte resident, raising a kid of my own, I have a new level of awareness of the commitment it takes to get involved in town politics while simultaneously working and caring for grade schoolers at home. My mom had that commitment. And so does Natalie!
At this time, I’m especially excited about Natalie’s commitment to listening, asking questions and gaining understanding about things that are new to her. I think this is very much needed on the selectboard today. Natalie’s professional experience as a social worker proves that she loves working with people, is committed to community wellness, and is dedicated to contributing respectfully to the collective good. Natalie is reliable, thoughtful and organized.
It is also crucial to me that there are selectboard members who care deeply about the natural resources and rural nature of Charlotte, and wish to preserve these amazing aspects of our town for future generations. Natalie cares deeply about both people and our environment, and I trust her to make smart decisions as our town engages in planning decisions that will impact Charlotte today and in the future.
Please join me in voting for Natalie for selectboard.
Tai Dinnan
Don’t dismiss Mary Mead
To the Editor:
When the petitioners submitted the charter for town manager, there were several questions that the public wanted answered.
One critical question was “what impact this charter would have on the selectboard elected clerk and treasurer, Mary Mead?” Specifically, the proposed charter states that the town manager would “do all the accounting for all the departments of the town and of the town school districts when the board of school directors so request.” The plain language of this charter is clear. This will take away Mead’s ability to handle the town’s accounting as our elected treasurer.
Why would we want to take this responsibility away from Mead? Truthfully, I don’t know the answer. Mead has been handling the town’s accounting for over 25 years. Her work is and has been exemplary. What’s more, our annual auditor’s reports more than back up her work. In my opinion, any change in our government that impacts Mead’s ability to do her job is a disservice to our town.
The petitioners have been clear, the goal of the proposed charter is to address the perceived inefficiencies of the selectboard. If that is the case, then why does this charter take away our treasurer’s right to handle the town’s accounting? What’s more, if the proposed charter can preserve the role of our elected road commissioner, why not our elected clerk/treasurer?
The fact of the matter is this: We have a highly experienced town clerk/treasurer who is working very well with our new town administrator. After working together for only two months, they managed to put forward a fiscally responsible budget before the selectboard. To throw a wrench in things now, I believe, is very irresponsible.
For these reasons, I urge you to vote no on Article 6.
James Faulkner
(Faulkner is the chair of the Charlotte Selectboard.)