Thanks for volunteers at newspaper’s future, present, past
Although technically this newspaper is produced by one full-time and one part-time employee, each edition actually represents the efforts of so many more people.
During the past year, more than 70 people have given their blood, sweat, tears … well, at least their sweat … crafting words, capturing photos, pouring over pages proofreading and traveling the roads to deliver The Charlotte News.
These volunteers who contribute so much to the newspaper may not realize that they are not only contributing to each edition, they are also contributing to the legacy of The Charlotte News, and to some degree, of the town. Newspapers are often deemed the first draft of history. They are doing important work that we are so thankful for.
And these volunteers continue a proud tradition that enshrines the newspaper’s importance to the town since 1958. Since its inaugural edition on July 18, 1958, The Charlotte News has been the town’s newspaper of the people, by the people, for the people.
Although the newspaper was started by a group of high school students, in that first newspaper they announced their intention that it was going to be more than a student newspaper, it was going to be a continuing and vital part of the community.
“We hope The Charlotte News will lay the foundation for a permanent newspaper in the town. The purposes of this paper are to inform all the townspeople of coming business and social functions; to report local news and to describe, through feature stories, unique and interesting places and personalities in our town about which little is known to many of us,” the newspaper said in its very first issue on its front page in the first paragraph.
Thank you to these generous volunteers of today. We hope you will continue to give your efforts, your time and maybe even your sweat to The Charlotte News for years to come, becoming part of the long, proud tradition keeping community journalism alive and homegrown in Charlotte:
Alicia Wolfram
Alissa Frame
Bill Fraser-Harris
Dean Bloch
Nate Bareham
Bill Regan
Bradley Carleton
Brett Yates
Camila Van Oderd Gonzalez
Charlotte Oliver
Chea Waters Evans
Dan Cole
Elizabeth Bassett
Ethan Tapper
Joan Weed
John Quinney
Juliann Phelps
Kate Kelly
Katherine Arthaud
Kevin Goldenbogen
Linda Hamilton
Lori York
Maj Eisinger
Margaret Woodruff
Margo Bartsch
Mark Dillenbeck
Mary Landon
Meryl Hartmann
Peter Joslin
Phyl Newbeck
Portia Butrym
Rachel Elliott
Ruah Swennerfelt
Steve Goldstein
Sue Smith
Susan Ohanian
Tim Etchells
Tom Scatchard
Will Thorn
Alexandra Z. Lazar
Amelia Davis
Ansel Schwartzman
Bill Fraser-Harris
Christina Asquith
Don Stevens
Elizabeth Hunt
Janet Morrison
Janet Yantachka
Janice Heilmann
Jeanette Armell
Julian Kulski
Lane Morrison
Lee Krohn
Lewis Mudge
Mary Landon
Matt Sargent
Nick Janetti
Owen Nadeau
Stephen Kiernan
Steven Wisbaum
Susan Fitzpatrick
Susan Hyde
Suzy Hodgson
Tai Dinnan
Tim Etchells
Janet Yantachka
Katherine Arthaud
Mike Yantachka
Newspaper Delivery
Jim Fox
Tom Scatchard
If you enjoy The Charlotte News, please consider making a donation. Your gift will help us produce more stories like this. The majority of our budget comes from charitable contributions. Your gift helps sustain The Charlotte News, keeping it a free service for everyone in town. Thank you.
Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors