Thank you to our advertisers

Our advertisers are key members of the community that helps keep The Charlotte News in good health as we enter our 66th year in business.

We encourage you, our readers, to support the businesses and organizations listed below — many local — who support The Charlotte News with their advertising dollars. Please tell them you saw their ads in The Charlotte News.

If you advertised in the newspaper in 2023, thank you very much for your support.

If you would like information on advertising opportunities in the newspaper and online, please contact Susie Therrien, our advertising manager.

Thank you to The Charlotte News’ 2023 advertisers:

A Little Something
Acorn Painting
Adam Dantzscher
Age Well
All Earth Renewables
Animal Hospital of Hinesburg
Better Living Audiology
Bistro de Margot
Building Energy
Catering By Dale
Champlain Valley Compost Company
Champlain Valley School District
Champlain Valley Union High School
Charlotte Central School
Charlotte Fire & Rescue
Charlotte Recreation Department
Culligan Water
Darling’s Boatworks
Dee Physical Therapy
Diamond Island Yacht Club
Eco Bean
Efficiency Vermont
Energy Co-op of Vermont
Fat Cow Farm
Fenn & Company
Ferro Estate and Custom Jewelers
Flower Power VT
Giovanna Brunini
Green Mountain Access
Horsford’s Nursery
Jackman’s Inc.
Jamie Two Coats
Jay Strausser Real Estate
Karla Jones
Kate Farrell
Keller Williams Realty
Kiley Corporation
Lake Front Painting
Margo Bartsch
Middlebury Fence
Nancy Jenkins Real Estate
Nancy Menard
Nancy Warren
National Bank of Middlebury
New England Floor Covering
Night Eagle Wilderness Camp
Pease Mountain Law
Philo Ridge Farm
Pleasant Valley Landscaping
Point Bay Marina
Polli Construction
RVG Electrical Services
Shelburne Dental Group
Shelburne Eyeworks
Shelburne Museum
Stone Block Antiques
Stone’s Throw Pizza
Thomas Hirchak
Titus Insurance Co.
Town of Charlotte
UVM Medical Center
Vergennes Partnership
Warren Strausser Real Estate
YMCA Camp Abnaki.

If you enjoy The Charlotte News, please consider making a donation. Your gift will help us produce more stories like this. The majority of our budget comes from charitable contributions. Your gift helps sustain The Charlotte News, keeping it a free service for everyone in town. Thank you.

Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors