Happy try-something-new-at-senior-center year

A new year is the perfect time to try out something new. How about checking out a new exercise class or joining a winter spike hike?

There are also opportunities to participate in a language class or conversation group, board and card games or an art group.

The Monday Munches, Age Well sit-down meals and men’s breakfasts remain popular ways to make new friendships. And the Alzheimer’s Caregiver’s support group is perfect for those caring for someone with Alzheimers.

Photo by Lori York
Essentrics is a full-body, weight-free workout that meets three mornings a week at the senior center.
Photo by Lori York Essentrics is a full-body, weight-free workout that meets three mornings a week at the senior center.

New this year, the senior center is collaborating with the South Burlington Vet Center to provide veterans assistance.

January Artist Exhibit
Colorful representative and abstract paintings on panels and canvas by Theresa Petrow.

Alzheimer’s caregivers support group
Thursday, Jan. 11, 5-6 p.m.
Are you caring for someone with Alzheimer’s? Do you know someone who is? Please join the monthly Caregiver Support Group on the second Thursday of each month from 5:00-6:00 p.m. The meetings provide a safe place for caregivers, family, and friends of persons with dementia to meet and develop a mutual support system. For additional information or questions please contact Susan Cartwright.

Veterans assistance
Tuesday Jan. 23, 10-2 p.m.
Join Bob Stock, veterans outreach specialist with the South Burlington Vet Center, at the Charlotte Senior Center. Stock will be available to veterans and their families to ensure that they are aware of the benefits available to them.

Exercise activities

Bone Builders
Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. & Fridays, 11 a.m.-noon
RSVP Bone Builders, a program of United Way of Northwest Vermont, is a no-impact, weight-training program designed to prevent and even reverse the negative effects of osteoporosis in older adults. Bone Builders consists of a warm-up, balance exercises, arm and leg exercises and a cool down with stretching. Free. No registration required, however, there is paperwork to complete for the RSVP Bone Builders program.

Pilates fitness
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
This Pilates class with Phyllis Bartling is for folks 55+, is designed to be challenging and safe. It includes upper-body strength work with hand weights and mat exercises. Participants will work core muscles to improve balance, strength, and posture. Cost: $8/class. No registration required.

Photo by Jim Hyde
The new year is a good opportunity to check out the Charlotte Senior Center. There’s lots of different things to do or learn. One offering is winter spke hikes every other Wednesday through February, starting Jan. 17. From left, Susan Hyde, Laura Cahners-Ford, Susan Cantor and Eliza Hammer explore outside with all but their four-legged companion well-bundled and spiked.
Photo by Jim Hyde The new year is a good opportunity to check out the Charlotte Senior Center. There’s lots of different things to do or learn. One offering is winter spke hikes every other Wednesday through February, starting Jan. 17. From left, Susan Hyde, Laura Cahners-Ford, Susan Cantor and Eliza Hammer explore outside with all but their four-legged companion well-bundled and spiked.

Winter Spike Hikes
Wednesdays, Jan. 17 & 31, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
It’s time to get outside and enjoy some winter hikes. Starting on Jan. 17, weather permitting, the group will meet every other week through February. The outings will be approximately two hours with locations to be determined on trails around Charlotte and neighboring towns. Bring your own spikes or snowshoes, depending on the weather, snacks and water. The group is also looking for some trip leaders. To register or indicate your interest in leading a winter hiking trip, contact Susan Hyde. Registration required. Free.

Yoga strength-building practice
Wednesdays, 11 a.m.-noon
Join Heidi Kvasnak with this integrative practice that builds strength and stability while maintaining a sense of ease and spaciousness in both body and mind. Participants will practice longer-held postures that strengthen muscles, bones and core, as well as breath-led flowing movement, including sun salutations. Prerequisite: Must be able to easily get down to and up from the floor with or without props. $10 a class. No registration required.

Language programs

French conversation
Mondays, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Parlez-vous français? This is an intermediate group of French speakers who meet weekly for French conversation. As the group grows, there may be opportunities to split according to skill levels. Questions? Contact Roberta Whitmore. Free. Registration not required.

German conversation
Tuesdays, 3-4 p.m.
Möchtest du dein Deutsch üben? Come join this group to meet other German speakers and practice your German. No agenda, just a casual conversation. All experience levels are welcome. Questions? Contact Dan York. Free. No registration required.

Italian for total beginners
Fridays, Jan.12-Feb.16, 10-11 a.m.
Interested in beginning the study of Italian. Join this six-week class and explore the beauty of the Italian language and culture. For questions about whether this class is the correct level, email Nicole Librandi. Cost: $60. Registration required.

Spanish conversation
Tuesdays, 10-11 a.m.
¿Hablas español? This group will meet weekly. At each session one member of the group will announce the topic of conversation for the following week. Come join the group for conversation in Spanish. ¿Questions? Contact Bernice Wesseling. Free. No registration required.

Menus are posted on the website.

Age Well January meal
Wednesday, Jan. 17, noon
Celebrate the new year with a sit-down meal provided by Age Well. Registration required. Suggested $5 meal donation.

Monday lunches
Lunch is served 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., or until the food runs out. Suggested lunch donation $5. No registration required.

Age Well grab & go meals
Pick up 10-11 a.m. on Thursdays at the Charlotte Senior Center. Registration is required by Monday for the Thursday meal. $5 suggested meal donation but not required. To register, call 802-425-6345 or email.

Weather cancellation policy
When the local schools are in session, the Charlotte Senior Center follows the Champlain Valley School District (CVSD) for weather-related cancellations. When school is not in session and there is inclement weather, a cancellation determination will be made by 8 a.m. Cancellation notices will be posted on the senior center website and on the outgoing voice message. An email will be sent to those who have signed up to receive the email newsletter.

Senior center info
The senior center offers programs for adults 50 and older from Charlotte and surrounding communities. Priority is given to seniors, but programs are open to adults of all ages. Programs include weekly lunches, daily exercise classes and many opportunities to connect through board and card games and art and language programming.

Interested in receiving a weekly reminder about what is happening? Sign up for the email newsletters at charlotteseniorcentervt.org. The “Week Ahead” email is sent out on Friday mornings with activities, lunch menus, and special programs for the upcoming week.

Lori York, director
212 Ferry Road, Charlotte
Follow the senior center on Facebook or Instagram.

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Scooter MacMillan, Editor