Charlotte steps up with donations to The Charlotte News
As a nonprofit, independent newspaper, we pass the hat twice a year and ask for your voluntary contributions to keep The Charlotte News alive and thriving. It costs roughly $150,000 a year to keep the paper and website coming your way and we literally can’t do it without you.
Well, guess what? The readers of The Charlotte News have come through yet again, exceeding our winter fundraising goal and ensuring the future of the paper and website — at least until the next fund drive rolls around, of course.
It’s a crazy business model, asking folks to pay for a public service they can get for free. But it works, somehow, and it makes us more answerable to you, our readers. It also means that you have some skin in the game. And it’s immensely rewarding to know that you care enough about the paper — and the community — to take a few minutes and a few bucks to invest in nonprofit, local journalism.
We are so grateful.
Plus, we have big plans for growth and improvement in the year to come. Keep reading the paper and you’ll see.
Perhaps it goes without saying that it’s not too late for you to do your part on our website, It only takes a couple of minutes and you decide how much to donate.
And it’s worth noting that the more contributions we receive now, the less fundraising we will have to do in the future.
We want to share our gratitude for the 350 people who made 530 gifts to The Charlotte News in 2023. Thanks to these gifts, we qualified for a $17,000 NewsMatch grant and a $10,000 challenge from friends of The Charlotte News.
Below we’ve listed everyone who made donations to The Charlotte News last year. In some instances, we’ve been able to include the spouses and partners that are such an important part of our donor community. In other cases, that information wasn’t provided, so we apologize for the oversight. If we’ve made any errors, please let us know with an email to [email protected] to make sure we are able to give credit where credit is due.
Thank you to the 2023 donors to The Charlotte News:
Anonymous (9)
Harold Abilock
Jennifer & David Adsit
Richard & Kathryn Ahrens
James & Kathleen Ridge Alden
David & Jane Allen
Jon & Kristen Anderson
Sera Anderson
Tom Anderson
Robert & Marjorie Archer
Nancy Aronson
Katherine Arthaud
Christina Asquith
Donna Atwater &
Rodney Parsons
Tom Kenyon
Jennifer & Joshua Bagnato
Barbara Baker
Marianne Balczuk
Jen Banbury
Allison Barlow
Toby Barlow
Nancy Barringer
Martha & Joe Barton-Rivera
Elizabeth Bassett &
John Pane
Tom & Lorna Bates
Victor & Wanda Bean
Jonathan & Erika Bearman
Tracey Beaudin
Jenny Behr Wilson
Dale & Jerilyn Bergdahl
Meg Berlin
Arthur Birney
Tony Blake
Lee Blanchard
Alexander Blend
David Blittersdorf
Bob & Nancy Bloch
Susan Blood
Rick Blount &
Andrea Grayson
Lynne Bond
Jed Borovik
Jessie Bradley
Richard & Sandi Brokaw
Ralph Brooker
Mischul Brownstone
Laurie Bruchmann
Karen & Bill Bruett
Mary Brush
Laura Cahners-Ford
Joyce Cameron
Nathaniel & Kay Carleton
Carol Carlton
Dale & Peter Carreiro
Susan & Nick Carter
Ted & Anne Castle
Terry Close
Jenny & Dan Cole
Peter Cole
Robin Coleburn
Matthew & Rebecca Coll
Deborah Cook
Tom Cosinuke &
Anne Kelton
Vince & Susan Crockenberg
Laurie Curler
Eileen Curtis
Pam & George Darling
Adam Davidson
Deborah Davis
Susanne & Chris Davis
Birgit Deeds
Liz & Chuck DesLauriers
Sandi & Rick Detwiler
Rocki-Lee Dewitt &
Josephine Herrera
David Diaz
Joseph & Jennifer
Mark & Ann Dillenbeck
Tai Dinnan
James & Patricia Dobson
Robert & Deborah
Dewey Donovan
Jim Donovan &
Patricia O’Donnell
Louise & Jonathan
James Faulkner
Susan & James Fitzpatrick
Kathleen Fleming &
Mark Franceschetti
Nancy Flinn
Tina & Ric Flood
Frances Foster
Liz & Jim Foster
Stephen & Margaret Foster
Bill & Lynn Fox
George & Kathleen Fox
William Fraser-Harris
Donna Fraser-Leary
Amanda Fredericks
Katrina Frere
Dundeen & Stephen
Dave & Jane Garbose
Christine Garrett
Constantine & MaryAnne Gatos
Linda & Phil Gellis
Linda Gilbert
Beverly Goodwin
Ian Govett & Karen Nolin
Valerie Graham
Andrea Green Drew Mahoney
Dorothy Grover-Read & Stewart Read
Lynne & Stephen Hale
Susan & Robbie Hall
Linda Hamilton
John & Dorrice Hammer
Myra Handy
Polly Harris
Moe Harvey & Mary Mead
Larry & Jane Haugh
Wendy Hawkins
James Hawley & Ruth Shedd
Timothy & Suzanne Hawley
James & MaryEllen Hebert
Janice & Tom Heilmann
Craig Heindel & Judith Chaves
Richard & Wendy Hendrickson
Carl & Carlanne Herzog
Tim & Jenn Higgens
Judith Hill & William Hella
Shanley Hinge & Gary Franklin
Penelope Hoblyn
Suzy Hodgson & Mike Walker
Jeffrey & Sheila Hollender
Peter Holmberg
Mary Holmes
Susan Hong
Mare Hopkins
Jeffrey & Irene Horbar
Susan Horsford
George Howe
Elizabeth Humstone
Cathy Hunter
Jim & Susan Hyde
Dale & Alice Hyerstay
Lynne & Scott Jaunich
Stephen Johnson
Sandy Jones
Peter & Paula Joslin
Walter Judge & Jean O’Neil
Hank & Josie Kaestner
John Kelly
Kennedy Brothers
Woody Keppel
Richard Kerschner
Virginia Keyser
Stephen Kiernan
Missy Kraus
Lee Krohn
Julian Kulski & Lisa Boyle
Maryanne Kyburz-Ladue
Andre LaChance
Laurel Lakey & Jared Ulmer
Anne & Jim Lampman
Kate Lampton
Paul & Brigid Landler
Robert & Yolande Larson
Joseph Lasek
Richard & Juliette Latimer
Susan & John Lavigne
Jane & John Lawlis
Margaret & Michael Lazar
Ted LeBlanc & Jane Kearns
Aline & Patrick LeClair
Alexandra Lehmann
Lucie Lehmann
Leslie & Junior Lewis
Lionheart Charitable Trust
Chris & Bob Lobel
William Lockwood
Lindsay Longe & Chris Mack
Randy & Nancy Longe
Karyn & John Lunde
Mark & Jill Lyons
Jeannie MacDonough
Peter Macia
James & Sheila Mack
Kathleen Mariboe
Nan & Ben Mason
Phyllis Mazurski
Thomas McAuliff, Jr & Janella Pennington
Louise McCarren
Molly McClaskey & Gill Barlow
Margery & Russ McCracken
Susan McCullough
Jeff & Susan McDonald
Meaghan & Ethan McLaughlin
Scott & Louise Melby
Melissa Mendelsohn
Danielle & James Menk
Beth Merritt
Bob & Kathryn Mesaros
Raymond & Mary Mesirow
Nancy & Andrew Milliken
Deborah Minkler
Martha Mitchell
Toni & Bob Monsey
Ted Montgomery
Ronda Moore
Lane & Janet Morrison
Gretchen Morse
Charles Moseley
Sharon Mount & Barry Finette
James & Alice Murdoch
Mimsy Murray
Bethany Myrick
Magdalena Naylor
Robert Nickelsberg
Bob & Chris Noeltner
Patricia O’Donnell & Jim Donovan
Lois Obregon
Susan & Hans Ohanian
Laura & Peter Osborne
Evan Osler
Ann Owen
Martha & Russell Partridge
Harriet Patrick
Hylah Patton
William Pendlebury
Theresa & Bill Petrow
Nancy Petty
Richard Pillard
Donna & Remo Pizzagalli
Peter Post
Helen Powers
Mark & Victoria Powers
Andrew Price
Jeffrey Price
Jessie Price & John Streng
Kerrie Pughe
Ronald & Waverly Purdum
John Quinney & Colleen Armstrong
Daniel Raabe & Rachel Destito
Lori Rachia & Damon Silverman
Katherine Ranallo
Thomas & Naomi Randall
Rosemary & William Raszka
Jessica Rauch
Bill & Nina Regan
Gay Regan
Bernie Regenauer
Martine Richards
Sharon Richards & Doug Weaver
Peter & Nancy Richardson
Marc Richter
Sandy Riggs
Victoria Rizzi
Braxton Robbason & Peninnah Ragasa
Cindi & Mike Robinson
Rockefeller Family Fund
Andrea Rogers
Peter & Diane Rosenfeld
John & Nancy Rosenthal
Erin Ross
Wendy Roth
Eleanor Russell
Julia Russell
Mike & Margaret Russell
Deb Sachs
Robert & Martha Sanders
EBeth & Tom Scatchard
Ted Scatchard
Sue & Dave Schermerhorn
Wolfger Schneider
Sandy Schofield
Katherine & Bill Schubart
Del Sheldon
Zoe Sheldon
Meghan Siket
Jonathan Silverman & Martha Whitfield
Susan Sim
Lenore & Beth Skilton
Gary & Karin Small
Jeffrey Small
Gregory & Fraya Smith
Jeff & Jolinda Smith
Meg & Whit Smith
Katherine Snead
Kennedy Snow
Larry Sommers & Joanne Dennee
Sarah Soule
Steven Spadaccini
Carrie Spear
Helena Spear
Dave & Karen Speidel
Sarah Spooner
Jim Squires & Debbie Dodd
Laura St. George
Catherine Stanger & Alan Budney
Robbie & John Stanley
Roberta & John Stetson
Christine & Bob Stiller
Fran Stoddard
Richard & Linda Stowe
Ed Sulva
Lee Suskin
Ruah Swennerfelt & Louis Cox
Dr. Peter Swift & Diana McCargo
Betsy Tegatz
John Thibault
Grady Thomas
Laurie Thompson & John Limanek
Andrew Thurber & Kathryn Perkins
Joseph & Cornelia Tierney
Tiller Foundation
Matthew Tolosky
Helen Toor
Alice Trageser
Susan Tucker
Carleen Tufo
Robin & Bob Turnau
Ruth Uphold & Mary Provencher
Mary Van Vleck
Nick Vanderkloot
Stephanie Victor Wells & Jim Wells
Tim & Mary Volk
Meg & Peter Walker
Stan & Bettina Wasilewski
Lee Wasserman
Wade & Marcy Weathers
Karen Weber
Joan Weed
Peter Weith & Karen
Geraldine Wetzell
Roberta Whitmore
Robert Wildey
Jill & Edward Wilkens
Linda Williamson
Steve Wisbaum & Suzanne Lourie
Ann Wittpenn
Jill Wolcott
Nancy Wood
Mike & Janet Yantachka
Kim & David Ziegelman
Barbara Zimmerman
Matthew Zucker & Claudia Marshall
If you enjoy The Charlotte News, please consider making a donation. Your gift will help us produce more stories like this. The majority of our budget comes from charitable contributions. Your gift helps sustain The Charlotte News, keeping it a free service for everyone in town. Thank you.
Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors