News from The Charlotte News
Editor wins New England press association award
Picking up our mail on June 20, board member Meredith Moses was surprised to see a letter from the New England Newspaper Association (NENPA).
The Charlotte News had received a third-place award in the association’s 2022 New England Better Newspaper competition for local personality profile.
The award was for Scooter MacMillan’s May 19, 2022, story, “In spite of pain, Jaunich wins Fullbright Scholarship, headed to Vanderbilt.”
One of the judges wrote, “Inspiring story of a young man who overcame the odds — and the pain — of a rare condition. The reporter isn’t afraid to say it like it is (‘If anyone deserves a Fulbright Scholarship, it’s Kyle Jaunich.’) and that only enhances the reader’s appreciation for the story.”
MacMillan said he had talked to Lynne Jaunich several times when she was on the school board about her three children who all went to the Naval Academy. He was drawn to writing about them because his grandfather and great-grandfather went to the Academy.
His grandparents retired to Annapolis and MacMillan has visited the Naval Academy many times.
So, when Jaunich called to tell him about her son and his struggles with a rare condition known as complex regional pain syndrome that left him in constant pain, MacMillan said he was eager to write about how Kyle Jaunich had to leave the Naval Academy but was headed to Vanderbilt.
You can check out this award-winning story on our website.
The Charlotte News’ invitation to Thompson’s Point campers
Here at The Charlotte News, we want to forge stronger connections with Thompson’s Point campers, to learn more about the issues and concerns of this unique seasonal community.
To this end, we’re inviting Thompson’s Point residents to join Scooter MacMillan, editor of The Charlotte News, and me on the Thompson’s Point Clubhouse porch, on Thursday, Aug. 24, starting at 5 p.m.
We’ll answer any questions that come up about the paper, but mostly we want to listen, learn and ensure that the current interests and concerns, the history and the people of Thompson’s Point have a place in the pages of The Charlotte News.
Join us to chat with friends and enjoy light refreshments, with big thanks here to Catering by Dale, Philo Ridge and several board members.
If you’re living on Thompson’s Point this summer and would like to attend, let Gay Regan know, if possible, with a call to 802-318-5617 or with an email. Last-minute drop-ins are also most welcome.
In the past, we’ve experienced problems getting The Charlotte News delivered on Thompson’s Point but no longer. From now through mid-September, The Charlotte News is being delivered to everyone who gets their mail on Thompson’s Point. If you don’t have your mail delivered to your Thompson’s Point mailbox but want to get the newspaper, simply go into the Shelburne post office to let them know.
Hoping to see you on Aug. 24.
Check out the newspaper’s new and improved website
For the past few weeks, visitors to our website may have noticed some odd things.
First off, Anna Cyr, our production manager, appeared to be very prolific. Although she was shown as the author of dozens of stories on our website, she didn’t actually write them.
What’s more, while working in the backend of our website, Anna posted photos and images with every story, but they weren’t being displayed. You get the … picture.
Our local website folks at worked to solve the problems and kept needing additional time and money. It was starting to look like the proverbial bottomless money pit.
Our website was built in 2017, which makes it old. Phrases like “cross code incompatibility” were being thrown about.
So, on July 13, we decided to invest in a rebuilt website and Sarah Maines, Lilly Romano and Alister Marble at got to work. They rearranged other projects in order to get our rebuilt site up and running as soon as possible. We are most grateful to them for this support.
In just 24 days, they got the job done, and our new website was launched this week on Monday, Aug. 7. We’re pleased with the results and hope that you are too.
Take a look at our new website and let us know how it looks and works for you.