Mark your calendar, give blood at next blood drive
Last Thursday, a steady flow of people of all ages were at the Charlotte Senior Center for the Red Cross Blood Drive.
Held every two months, the drive provides an opportunity to connect with neighbors and friends while helping support the critical need for blood. Mark your calendars for the next blood drive on Thursday, Oct. 5, 2-7 p.m.
The senior center offers a variety of programming for seniors 50 and over, whether it be the Age Well weekly Grab & Go meals, the Locally Yours community supported agriculture (CSA) free produce, Bone Builders or the September senior art show.
However, the center also provides meeting space for nonprofits, a rental space for life’s celebrations, a place to drop off plastics to be recycled through Planet People and a collection place for eyeglasses through the local chapter of the Lions Club.The center provides a back-up rain location for library, Grange and recreation departments events.
Outdoor Activities
Recreational paddling trip
Wednesday, Aug. 16, 9:30 a.m.
Join Karen and Dean Tuininga for a paddling trip, Wednesday morning, Aug. 16, on the Indian Brook Reservoir in Essex. The group will meet at 9:30 a.m. and will spend a couple of hours on the water. Open to everyone 18 and older, but limited to 10 boats plus leaders, so be sure to sign up early. Questions? Contact Dean Tuininga. Registration required. Free. Details will be sent to registered paddlers the evening before the trip.
Birding expeditions
Wednesday, Aug. 23, 9 a.m.
There are a wide range of birding habitats in Chittenden County. Join avid bird watcher, Hank Kaestner and learn to identify the various bird species and habitats right here in Vermont. Group size is limited to 20 participants. Cost: Free. Registration required.
Women’s kayak trips
Second & fourth Friday mornings
These kayak trips are for active women who share a love for exploring the many local lakes, ponds and rivers. Details about the trip will be sent out the week prior. For questions, please contact Susan Hyde. Registration is required through the Charlotte Senior Center Database or by calling the Senior Center. Free.
Community Programs
Alzheimer’s Caregivers support group
Thursday, Aug. 10, 5-6 p.m.
Are you caring for someone with Alzheimer’s? Do you know someone who is? Please join us for the monthly caregiver support group on the second Thursday of each month from 5-6 p.m. The meetings provide a safe place for caregivers, family and friends of persons with dementia to meet and develop a mutual support system. For additional information or questions please contact Susan Cartwright.
Senior art show
Now accepting submissions for the Charlotte Senior Center art show. Open to all artists and skill levels, ages 50 and older. Entry deadline is Friday, Aug. 18. Registration forms are available at the Senior Center and can be downloaded at For questions contact Judy Tuttle by email or by telephone at 802-425-2864.
Locally Yours CSA program
Thursdays, 10-11 a.m.
The Senior Center is participating in the “Locally Yours” program, sponsored by Senator Sanders 2023 Earmark Grant. Produce from Full Moon Farm in Hinesburg will be dropped at the senior center weekly and participants (age 60 and over) will have access to fresh fruit and vegetables at no charge. The program is a first come, first serve situation, with the intention that one or two people do not take all of the delivered produce each week and that people only take what they will use. No registration required. Cost: Free.
Weekly Age Well Grab & Go meals
Pick up on Thursdays 10-11a.m. at the Charlotte Senior Center. Registration is required by Monday for the Thursday meal. $5 suggested meal donation but not required. To register, call 802-425-6345 or email.
Programs & activities
Backgammon League
Tuesdays, 6-8:30 p.m.
Backgammon is a tactical table game with a 5,000-year history. Open to all adults, not just seniors. If you are interested in joining the Tuesday evening Backgammon League, please contact Jonathan.

The Monday Munch is always popular at the senior center. Most weeks volunteers serve 50-60 meals.
Drawing for Those Who Think They Can’t Draw
Friday, Aug. 11, 12:30-2 p.m.
Learn that you CAN draw if you simply look at things differently. Open to all who will try to prove me wrong! Bring yourself and plan to have fun sharing in this supportive, nonjudgmental class experience. Local artist Mickey Davis enjoys bringing out the innate hidden artist in others. Registration required. Cost: By donation.
Pilates Fitness
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
This Pilates class, for folks 55+, is designed to be challenging and safe. It includes upper-body strength work with hand weights and mat exercises while also working core muscles to improve balance, strength and posture. No registration required. Cost: $8 a class.
Tuesdays & Fridays, 12:30 p.m.
Samba is a variation of canasta. Players form five clean canastas, one dirty canasta (with a wild card), a canasta of wild cards, a canasta of sevens and at least one samba, which is a run of seven cards in a sequence of the same suite. If you are interested in joining this group contact Mary Mazur by phone at 802-373-1074 or email.
Shanghai Mahjong
Tuesdays, 12:45-3:45 p.m.
New to or experienced in the Shanghai style of Mahjong, you are welcome to join this informal get-together. For questions email Nan Mason.
Yoga strength building practice
Wednesdays, 11 a.m.-noon.
Heidi Kvasnak leads an integrative practice that builds strength and stability, while maintaining a sense of ease and spaciousness in both body and mind. The group will practice longer-held postures that strengthen muscles, bones and core, as well as breath-led flowing movement, including sun salutations. Prerequisite: Must be able to easily get down to and up from the floor with or without props. No registration required. Cost: $10 a class.
Menus are posted on the website:
Monday Lunches
Served weekly. Lunch is served 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or until the food runs out. Suggested lunch donation $5. No registration required.
If you haven’t been to the senior center, please stop by and visit. The senior center offers programs for adults 50 and older from Charlotte and surrounding communities. Priority is given to seniors, but programs are open to adults of all ages. Interested in receiving a weekly reminder about what is happening? Sign up for the email newsletters at The “Week Ahead” email is sent out on Friday mornings with activities, lunch menus and special programs for the upcoming week.
Senior center contact info
Lori York, director
212 Ferry Road, Charlotte
Follow the senior center on Facebook or Instagram.
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors