Hunger in Charlotte: An untold story

If we’ve learned anything from the pandemic, it’s that circumstances change. Folks whose health was top notch have had to grapple with long-term COVID consequences. Robust businesses have gone belly-up. Many people lost loved ones, including breadwinners. Quite simply, things have changed.
It’s difficult to gauge just how hard times have been here in Charlotte. After all, it’s no secret that we are an affluent bunch — generally. But not everyone has dodged the bullet.
When we were planning this newspaper’s 65th anniversary celebration, we decided to try to “give back” to this community in new ways large and small.
The first order of business has been to team up with Age Well to provide free meals to our neighbors in need of a little help. If past fund drives are any indication, we expect to receive more than one hundred donations and to provide as many meals.
We got some pushback when this idea first emerged. After all, some asked, “Is there a real problem?”
While business has reportedly been brisk at the food shelf, hard numbers were not available as we went to press.
At Charlotte Congregational, the relatively recent Little Free Pantry is said to empty out just as soon as it is stocked.
Age Well reports having only a handful of clients in Charlotte. However, last year, they distributed 246 meals to their Meals on Wheels clients in Charlotte.
You may not have believed that the need for food aid in our town is significant but tell that to the people facing food insecurity. To them, the need is very real.
So, we say “thank you” to you, the generous supporters of this paper. Your donations this summer are going to go even further this year. For each donation we receive, of any amount, we will provide one meal to a neighbor whose next meal isn’t otherwise guaranteed.
We also say “thanks again” for keeping us in business and telling the stories of Charlotte for the past 65 years. Because of you, The Charlotte News is one of the longest-running community newspapers in Vermont.
Please help tee up the next 65 years with a donation of any size to your nonprofit, community newspaper. If it makes sense for your budget, put $10 or $20 a month on your credit card, just as you’d do to support public radio, for instance. It’s quick and easy. Simply grab your card and go to our “Give Now” page.
If you’d prefer to write a check, send it to P.O. Box 251, Charlotte VT 05445.
Last year, 320 Charlotters made gifts that made a difference and helped keep this paper in business. Today, I’m asking you to join them.
Never made a gift?
Give now, double your impact and provide a meal to a neighbor in need.
Thanks to a grant from the Lionheart Charitable Trust, all first-time gifts will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to a total of $2,000.
If you enjoy The Charlotte News, please consider making a donation. Your gift will help us produce more stories like this. The majority of our budget comes from charitable contributions. Your gift helps sustain The Charlotte News, keeping it a free service for everyone in town. Thank you.
Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors