Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group forming in July

Story Holmes on cello with Julie Holmes playing piano.
Story Holmes on cello with Julie Holmes playing piano.

Thank you to all the talented musicians who played as part of Make Music VT, with a special thank you to Nick Carter who coordinated the line-up of musicians performing at the senior center and library as part of World Make Music Day.

As the senior center transitions to a summer schedule, there are several outdoor activities to consider such as gentle walks, birding, kayaking and canoeing trips.

In July, there will be a monthly Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group starting at the senior center.

There are always opportunities to gather inside for board and card games, exercise programs and art activities. The senior center offers programs for adults 50 and older from Charlotte and surrounding communities. Priority is given to seniors, but programs are open to adults of all ages.

Photos by Lori York From left, Shane Bowley and Janice Russotti perform Americana covers and originals.
Photos by Lori York
From left, Shane Bowley and Janice Russotti perform Americana covers and originals.

Interested in receiving a weekly reminder about what is happening? Sign up for the email newsletters on our website. The “Week Ahead” email is sent out on Friday mornings with activities, lunch menus, and special programs for the upcoming week.

Outdoor Activities

Birding expedition 
Wednesday, July 12, 9 a.m. 
There are a wide range of birding habitats in Chittenden County. Join avid bird watcher Hank Kaestner and learn to identify the various bird species and habitats right here in Vermont. Free. Registration required and group size is limited. Register online, in-person or by calling 802-425-6345.

Recreational paddling trip 
Sunday, July 9, 9:30 a.m.
The June paddling trip was canceled due to the weather. Please join Karen & Dean Tuininga for a rescheduled paddling trip, Sunday morning, July 9, on Lewis Creek. The group will meet at 9:30 and plan to spend a couple of hours on the water. This trip is open to everyone 18 and older, but space is limited to 10 boats plus leaders, so be sure to sign up early. Questions? Contact Dean Tuininga. Registration required through the senior center. Details will be sent to registered paddlers the evening before the trip. Free.

Walking and gentle hiking group 
Thursday, June 29, Charlotte Park & Wildlife Refuge
Enjoy the beauty of nature. Come walk at a gentle pace with other seniors. The group will meet on the last Thursday of each month for a congenial non-strenuous walk. Meet at 9 a.m. in the parking lot at Charlotte Senior Center. Please bring sunscreen, bug spray and water. Questions? Contact Penny Burman at 916-753-7279. Registration required. Free.

Women’s kayak trips 
Second & fourth Friday mornings
These kayak trips are for active women who share a love for exploring the many local lakes, ponds and rivers. To register your interest, please respond by email Susan Hyde to be placed on a master list of paddlers. Registration required. Free.


Charlotte Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group
Thursday, July 13, 5-6 p.m. 
Are you caring for someone with Alzheimer’s? Do you know someone who is? Please join the first monthly caregiver support group on Thursday, July 13. The meetings provide a safe place for caregivers, family and friends of persons with dementia to meet and develop a mutual support system. The group will meet on the second Thursday of each month from 5-6 p.m. For further information or questions please contact Susan Cartwright.

“Locally Yours” CSA program
Thursdays, 10-11 a.m.
The senior center is participating in the “Locally Yours” program, sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2023 Earmark Grant. Produce from Full Moon Farm in Hinesburg will be dropped at the senior center weekly and participants (age 60 and over) will have access to fresh fruit and vegetables at no charge. You do not need to register to participate in this program. The program is a first-come, first-serve situation, with the intention that one or two people do not take all of the delivered produce each week and only take what they will use. No registration required. Free.

Board and card games

Backgammon league 
Tuesdays, 6-8:30 p.m. 
Backgammon is a tactical table game with a 5,000-year history. Interested in joining the Tuesday evening backgammon league? Contact Jonathan.

Brain games 
Fridays, 3-5:30 p.m. 
There are many ways adults can stimulate their brains to increase mental health, improve memory skills and contribute to overall well-being. Research finds that positive interaction with others and engagement in stimulating group activities sharpens cognition and increases memory ability. Join to play a variety of games, share laughter and enjoy one another’s company. Questions? Please call Lin Kalson at 608-345-9321 or email.

Mondays, 12:30 p.m. 
Canasta is a form of rummy using two full decks in which players or partnerships try to meld groups of three or more cards of the same rank and score bonuses for seven-card melds. If you are interested in joining this group or if you have questions, please call Sandy Armel 802-425-3248. No registration required. Free.

Duplicate Bridge 
Mondays, 12:30-4 p.m. 
The group plays an intermediate level of duplicate bridge using the basic American Contract Bridge League conventions. Names are drawn for partners, and friendly games ensue. Those unfamiliar with duplicate bridge are welcome and paired with an experienced player to help for a few weeks of open-dialogue training. The group is always looking for new players who have basic bridge knowledge.

Tuesdays & Fridays, 12 p.m. 
Samba is a variation of canasta. Players form five clean canastas, one dirty canasta (with a wild card) a canasta of wild cards, a canasta of sevens and at least one samba which is a run of seven cards in a sequence of the same suite. If you are interested in joining this group call Sandy Armell at 802-425-3245 or Mary Mazur at 802-373-1074 or email. No registration required. Free.

Shanghai mahjong
Tuesdays, 12:45-3:45 p.m.
New to or experienced in the Shanghai style of mahjong, you are welcome to join this informal get-together. For questions email Nan Mason.


Menus are posted on the website.

Monday lunches
Served weekly. Lunch is served 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., or until the food runs out. Suggested lunch donation $5. No registration required.

Weekly Age Well Grab & Go meals
Pick up on Thursdays 10-11a.m. at the Charlotte Senior Center. Registration is required by Monday for the Thursday meal. $5 suggested meal donation but not required. To register, contact Lin Kalson at 802-425-6345.

Senior Center contact info
Lori York, director
212 Ferry Road, Charlotte
(802) 425-6345
Follow the senior center on Facebook or Instagram.