Reflecting on this year’s highlights while planning for next
As the 2023-24 school year ends, the administrative team has reflected on highlights of the last nine months and on events yet to come.
Currently, the school is welcoming in a new cohort of kindergarten students, while preparing for eighth-grade graduation.
The staff has been assessing the academic growth of students, while also developing curriculum and materials for the coming school year. Charlotte Central School has worked to create an interconnected community, while honoring individualistic traits of all of its members.
The administration has been planning the departures for some staff, while hiring new educators for next year. The school has been appreciating all of the contributions and brilliance Courtney Krahn brought to the learning community as assistant principal, while opening up the hiring process for her replacement.
Summer construction plans
Summer 2023 construction plans are underway for Charlotte Central School. Work will primarily focus on the fire suppression system and electrical. The majority of the work will be external and on the first floor of the building. The community will notice safety fencing around the front of the building, with parking on the west side of the school being restricted. More details will be available when the plans are finalized.
Publicly funded early childhood education
Champlain Valley School District is offering publicly funded prekindergarten for children between the ages of 3 and 5 (on or before Sept. 1, 2023) who live in Charlotte, Hinesburg, Shelburne, St. George or Williston.
The full registration packet is available on the Champlain Valley School District’s website.
For more information about publicly funded prekindergarten or if there are concerns about a child’s development, please visit the CVSD website or contact Erin Gagne.
The early education team provides developmental screenings in the areas of communication, social-emotional development, motor skills, adaptive development and cognition. If you have questions about the CVSD Act 166 registration process contact Suzanne Curtis or 802-985-1903.
Now enrolling for the 2023-24 school year
Charlotte Central School would appreciate it if anyone who knows of a family that has moved to Charlotte and is planning on having kids attend the school would please spread the word to them that teams are deep in the placement process for next year. It would be very helpful to have more information about children joining the school for next year.
New families should call or email Naomi Strada at 802-425-6600 or email.
Champlain Valley hockey
For students interested in honing their hockey skills this summer, Champlain Valley Union High hockey is offering skill sessions for incoming freshmen-seniors. The program will start June 28 and continue most Wednesdays and Sundays until August 13. The sessions will be held at Leddy Park and the cost will be $175 (scholarships are available). For questions or to sign up, contact head coach J.B. Benoit.
Dates to remember:
- Charlotte Central School Jazz Band at the Discover Jazz Festival on Wednesday, June 7, on the Mall Block of Church Street from 1:40-2:20 pm.
- Family Fun Day for Vermont Make-a-Wish Foundation — Saturday, June 10, 4-7 p.m. at CVU. Music, games and more. Tickets required.
- Summer Symphony Camp — June 26-30 – learn more.
- Vermont Jazz Camp — July 24-28 – for details please visit the website.