Developing social connections at a happening place
The pandemic has highlighted the importance of social connections. The Charlotte Senior Center is more than just a building where activities happen. The senior center is a community center where people gather for enrichment and social interactions.
Visit the senior center and attend some of the programming. Learn about growing a pollinator garden or view the new photography exhibit. There are language groups, daily exercise classes. Or, visit for Monday lunch and gather for board and card games afterwards.
The senior center offers programming for adults 50 and older from Charlotte and surrounding communities. Priority is given to seniors, but programming is open to adults of all ages.
Interested in receiving a weekly reminder about what is happening? Sign up for the email newsletters. The “Week Ahead” email is sent out on Friday mornings with activities, lunch menus and special programming for the upcoming week.
Art show: photographic exhibit
A collection of scenic and wildlife photography by David Pearson. Pearson’s artistic style conveys his belief that “sometimes all it takes is pausing to take a deeper and longer look at the simple and ordinary, to see it from a different perspective.”
Music is always a popular attraction at the senior center.
Chat with Chea Waters Evans
Monday, April 17, 1 p.m.
Bring your questions and concerns for a legislature meet and greet with Chea Waters Evans. Waters Evans is your newly elected Chittenden-5 representative and is interested in hearing from you so she can bring forward your issues in Montpelier.
Red Cross blood drive
Thursday, April 13, 2-7 p.m.
Please consider donating blood. The Red Cross is experiencing the worst blood shortage in over a decade. Call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit the website and enter: CHARLOTTE to schedule an appointment.
Senior Resource Fair
Wednesday, May 24, 3-5 p.m.
Stop by the senior center for the first annual Senior Resource Fair and learn about all the great resources available to seniors in the community. Over 20 local organizations have registered to be at the center to share information about their services.
Annual Plant Sale
Saturday, May 27, 9 a.m.-noon.
It is time to plan for the Charlotte Senior Center’s Annual Plant Sale. If you are interested in donating plants or helping out with the plant sale, please contact Sukey at 802-877-2237 or email Polly.
Tuesday, April 11, 1 p.m.
Interested in learning more about the Earth’s southernmost and least-populated continent? Join Bill Fraser-Harris for this presentation about his recent trip to Antarctica, including his experience hiking and touring in Patagonia, Torres del Paine National Park and Fitzroy in Chile and Argentina. There will be photographs to pique your interest in travel and discussion around the preservation of this natural resource. Q&A to follow the presentation. Cost: Free. Registration recommended.
Every Tuesday a group gathers in the cafe to play Mahjong. From left, Susan Sims, Jean-Carol Dunham and Nancy Rosenthal playing mahjong on a recent Tuesday.
Birding expedition
Wednesday, April 12, 9 a.m.
There are a wide range of birding habitats in Chittenden County. Join avid bird watcher, Hank Kaestner and learn to identify the various bird species and habitats right here in Vermont. Registration required and group size is limited. To register for this class, create an account on the Charlotte Senior Center website under the Registration tab and follow the instructions to register for this birding trip. Cost: Free.
Carmen discussion
Tuesday, April 18, 1 p.m.
Toni Hill of the Chittenden County Opera Lovers will present a discussion on Georges Bizet’s Carmen, including video excerpts of the opera and covering how the music and the drama were combined, reflecting changes in style based on pulp fiction in the 19th century. Cost: Free. Registration recommended.
Grow a pollinator garden
Thursday, April 20, 7-8 p.m.
Everyone is becoming more aware of the importance and plight of pollinators. Pollinating insects, birds and other creatures are essential not just for flower gardens, but also the food we eat. Every plant helps for pollinators. Charlie Nardozzi will discuss the essential ingredients to a successful pollinator garden beyond the plants, including habitat, water, shelter and best gardening practices for pollinators, and highlight pollinators beyond just honey bees. He will also discuss the plants that are best for pollinators, with emphasis on the open pollinated varieties. Cost: Free. Registration recommended.
Pilates fitness
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
This Pilates class with Phyllis Bartling is for folks over 55. It is designed to be challenging yet safe. It includes upper-body strength work with hand weights and mat exercises. The exercises will work core muscles to improve balance, strength and posture. Cost: $8 a class. No registration required.
Creative arts group
Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-noon
Come create, experiment, share ideas, encourage others and have fun. Bring whatever creative endeavor you’re working on or thinking about and enjoy making new friends while being creative. As Einstein said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Let’s have some fun together. Any questions, call Katie Franko at 802-425-6270. Cost: Free
Knit & crochet for a cause
Thursdays, 2-3 p.m.
This group will meet weekly to work on projects that will be donated to local organizations in the community, to include COTS, Lund and the University of Vermont Medical Center’s oncology division. Bring a skein of yarn and needles or hook and let’s stitch. Patterns will be available, but feel free to bring your own project to work on. All skill levels are welcome. Registrations appreciated, but not required.
Menus are posted on the website.
From left, Frank Califano, Sean Moran and Carol Pepin help with Grab-and-Go meals. Volunteers distribute between 70-120 meals on Thursday mornings.
Men’s breakfast
Thursday, April 13, 7-9:30 a.m.
On the second Thursday of the month, the men gather for breakfast and conversation. This month, John Brawley, president of Sweet Sound Aquaculture, will be presenting “The Joys and Challenges of Raising and Selling Shrimp in Vermont.” Register by Tuesday, April 11, by noon. Suggested breakfast donation of $6. To register, email Tim McCullough.
Monday lunches
Served weekly. Lunch is served 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., or until the food runs out. Suggested lunch donation $5. No registration required.
Weekly Age Well Grab-and-Go meals
Pick up on Thursdays 10-11a.m. at the Charlotte Senior Center. Registration is required by Monday for the Thursday meal. $5 suggested meal donation but not required. To register, contact Carol Pepin at 802-425-6345.
Senior center contact info:
Lori York, director,
212 Ferry Road, Charlotte
Follow the senior center on Facebook or Instagram.
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors