Time to get cracking on town office campaigning
’Tis the season when “it’s” loses its most-favored contraction status and “’tis” often supplants it as the preferred contraction for “it is.”
’Tis also the season when ’tis a good time to start thinking about running for vacant town offices.
If this sounds too early, consider: The deadline to have the candidate consent form and the candidate petition submitted to town clerk Mary Mead is less than two months away — 5 p.m. Jan. 30, 2023. The petition needs to have 30 signatures by that time.
Both of these forms are available on the town of Charlotte’s website by clicking on the town clerk tab in the column on the left of the homepage at charlottevt.org.
This year Charlotte will hold its first ever Saturday Town Meeting Day on Saturday, March 4. That’s less than three months away.
Open offices include auditor (three-year term), cemetery commissioners (three-year and two-year terms), library trustee (five-year term), Champlain Valley School District board member (three-year term), delinquent tax collector (one-year term), town moderator (one-year term), road commissioner (one-year term), selectboard (three-year and two-year terms) and trustees of public funds (three-year and two-year terms).
’Tis time to get cracking. Don’t wait until ’twas the night before Town Meeting Day.
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors