Unlike song, summertime living isn’t always easy

With apologies to George Gershwin, we note that although it is summertime, living isn’t always easy.

The Food Shelf continues to work to combat food insecurity and serve individuals and families in need of food and assistance. The Food Shelf is an all-volunteer organization supported by the Charlotte community, the Charlotte Congregational Church and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church.

At the present time, volunteers support over 20 families in tasks including, but not limited to: food purchasing, receiving food deliveries from the Vermont Food Bank, food distribution, supply organization, accounting, outreach, and assessment and response to special needs for assistance.

Monthly, the Food Shelf volunteers purchase significant quantities of food from local grocery stories and Costco to supplement the available product obtained from the Vermont Food Bank. The Food Shelf benefits from the support of caring individuals and businesses and, as a 501(c)3 entity, continues to accept tax deductible donations with gratitude.

The Food Shelf also accepts with thanks any fresh produce on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Call 802-425- 3252 for specifics on vegetable donation if you “grow, and have planted an extra row.”

This month, the Food Shelf is grateful to the Charlotte postal carriers who, as part of the USPS Food Drive, put flyers in mailboxes announcing the food drive and then accepted donations for it.

The Food Shelf is also grateful that the Vermont Food Bank has announced it is able to reimburse the organization for fees, and it will continue to waive fees and provide some free inventory through Sept. 30. It thanks Our Lady of Mount Carmel parishioners for their generous monetary donation. It also appreciates the ongoing supply of fresh eggs from Linda Hamilton’s hens and beautiful loaves of O’Bread.

The Food Shelf is open for food distribution from 4-6 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Curbside delivery continues and masking is encouraged during the ongoing pandemic. For emergency food, please call John at 802-425-3130. If you cannot come to the Food Shelf due to COVID symptoms or seek further information about the Food Shelf, call 802-425-3252.

Monetary donations are appreciated, tax deductible, and can be addressed to: Charlotte Food Shelf, Inc., P.O. Box 83, Charlotte VT 05445.

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors