Coding, seeds, books and more at the library

Book Chat
Fridays, 9:30 a.m.
Join Margaret Woodruff via Zoom on Friday mornings at 9:30 to discuss new books, old books and books we might have missed. Each week she selects a theme and highlights related titles from the library collection. No Book Chat on Friday, April 1.

Hack Club
Tuesdays, Thru April 12, 3:30 p.m.
Join coders to build websites, games and art using many popular coding languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python and more. Learn your way around the hardware with help from coding pros. Beginners are welcome. Advanced coders should definitely join, to work in Ruby, Rails, JavaScript and React, plus Unity and C# (for game development). For info contact Christina Asquith.

Knitting drop-in
Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m.
Swing by for knitting night at the library. Dust off those old projects you’ve been wanting to finish, start a new project, or even pick up a new skill. Jessica Card, a local knitting teacher at Shelburne Craft School, will be hosting the knitting night. She will be around to get people started, help with existing projects, and will be working on a knitting project as well.

Media Literacy Take 2
Thursday, March 30, 7 p.m.
We’re reviving our conversation from last fall via Zoom. There continue to be more opportunities for disinformation, declining trust in established news organizations, and increasing popularity of conspiracy theorists.Come for a conversation on media literacy with Adam Davidson, Chea Waters-Evans and Jesse Wegman. Register in advance.

Seed library presentation
Wednesday, April 6, 1 p.m.
Coordinators Linda Hamilton and Karen Tuininga explain how the library’s Seed Library program works and how to join. Get access to not only small quantities of heirloom vegetable, herb and edible flower seeds, but also educational and technical support for growing at least some of your own food in environmentally friendly ways that promote healthy soil and support biological diversity. Learn how to save seeds. Call 802-425-6345 to register for this program.

True crime podcaster
Tuesday, April 12, 7 p.m.
The true crime genre is enjoying a resurgence in popularity. There are entire television channels devoted to true crime. And true crime is one of the dominant genres in podcasting. Via Zoom, Toby Ball from the podcast “Crime Writers On …,” will talk about the growth in popularity of the true crime genre and how some of the best and most influential true crime shows and podcasts since “Serial” started this new wave.

For the latest information about programs, books and activity kits, sign up for our monthly newsletter.

Library contact information
Margaret Woodruff, director
Cheryl Sloan, youth services librarian
Susanna Kahn, tech librarian
Phone: 802-425-3864

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors