Charlotte Hand-Me-Downs a success!

The Charlotte Hand-Me-Downs project builds on the long-standing tradition of winter clothing provision by the Charlotte Food Shelf.

Volunteers Linda Hamilton and Trina Bianchi at the Grange. Photos by Sally Wadhams.
Volunteers Linda Hamilton and Trina Bianchi at the Grange. Photos by Sally Wadhams.

What do you do with the clothes your children grow out of? This fall, 19 Charlotte families donated their used clothing and winter gear to neighbors in need. Large bags of clothing, along with a coat, snow pants, boots, hat and mittens were given to each child served by the Charlotte Food Shelf.

Charlotte Hand-Me-Downs started last spring when Charlotter Tai Dinnan realized there was an abundance of high-quality used clothing being given away by Charlotters and many families who would benefit from avoiding the high costs of outfitting their growing children.

Dinnan, a member of the Charlotte Grange and volunteer for the Charlotte Food Shelf, collaborated with both organizations to gather, sort and bag up used clothing for each child served by the Charlotte Food Shelf. This fall, Charlotte Grange members volunteered for the expanding project and diligently found wonderful homes for the surplus donations in neighboring towns. We hope to continue our efforts to match used clothing and gear with neighbors who need it. Keep an eye on Front Porch Forum each spring and fall for donation information.

Thank you to the Charlotte Grange for sponsoring this project, providing a sorting site, and for the wonderful volunteer support. For more information about Charlotte Grange, visit their website or contact them by email. Thank you to the Charlotte Food Shelf for providing support to our neighbors with food and assistance. To learn more, visit the website.