Search for Zoning Assistant continues


At a Special Selectboard Meeting on May 27, board members discussed continuing efforts to hire a planning and zoning assistant for the town.

Previously, the zoning staff, or clerk, position was filled by the zoning administrator. But due to community concerns last year about town officials wearing too many hats, the town decided zoning administrators would no longer be permitted to double as zoning board staff.

At a previous meeting, the board agreed to increase efforts to advertise the administrative position in the hope of attracting more applicants.

“We do have an applicant who we’re planning to interview,” Town Administrator Dean Bloch said. “And I have received a few applications, I did talk to one applicant today who I think is worth interviewing.”

Bloch said the next step is “to have a small committee do some interviews.”

In the past, interviews were conducted by Zoom, but Bloch said now “it may be possible to do them in person.”

Vice Chair Frank Tenney said he noticed on Front Porch Forum that the Town of Hinesburg was also looking for an administrative assistant for 20 hours a week and “maybe there’s a possibility we could cost share, because [the job] had about the same pay rate we did.”

Selectboard Member Louise McCarren said she knows an applicant who applied for the zoning staff position “and she’s very qualified and great.” McCarren quickly added she was “not promoting” the applicant, “but we at least have one really good candidate which is very encouraging.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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