Candidate deadline approaching
With no petition needed, it’s a little easier this year, but there’s still a deadline: Charlotters interested in running for office need to submit paperwork to Town Clerk/Treasurer Mary Mead by Monday, Jan. 25 at 5:00 p.m.
Selectboard member Frank Tenney has filed paperwork to run for both the two-year and three-year seats on the Selectboard; during public comment at Tuesday night’s Selectboard meeting, candidate Mike Dunbar inquired into the legality of running for both positions simultaneously. Mead said that it is allowed, and that if Tenney should win both seats, he would choose one to accept and the Selectboard would then appoint someone to the other position. Tenney did not immediately respond to an inquiry regarding his reason for running in both races.
The open positions and current candidates running are as follows:
Auditor: 1, 2 & 3-year terms available
Mike Dunbar filed for 1-year term.
Cemetery Commissioner: 1, 2 & 3-year terms available
Road Commissioner: Jr. Lewis
CVSD School Director: 3-year term
Library Trustee: 5-year term
Robert Smith (incumbent)
Delinquent Tax Collector: 1-year term
Mary Mead (incumbent)
Town Moderator: 1-year term
Road Commissioner: 1-year term
Selectboard: 2-year term
Lewis Mudge, Mike Dunbar, Frank Tenney (incumbent)
Selectboard: 3-year term
Dale Knowles, Frank Tenney
Town Agent: 1-year term
Town Clerk: 3-year term
Mary Mead (incumbent)
Town Treasurer: 3-year term
Mary Mead (incumbent)
Trustee of Public Funds: 1, 2 & 3-year terms
Moe Harvey (incumbent) filed for 3- year term.