Letters to the Editor
Library Expansion Project
Many years ago, there was an opinion piece in the New York Times that has stayed with me. I have it printed out and re-read it often, and I have sent it to my children and they have, in turn, forwarded it to their own friends. I urge you to Google the article (Luis Negron, October 6 2012, The Pain of Reading) and read it and share it. It is moving on many levels and resonated with me, I suppose, because I love books, I love reading and I love libraries.
I hope the article will remind you of how lucky we are to have such a lovely library in Charlotte, with wonderfully knowledgeable and helpful librarians. When I first moved to Charlotte last year, one of the very first things I did was visit the library. Even before I had my Vermont driver`s license, I had my library card. Throughout my life, this has always been like a talisman to me…a way into the wonderful world of books. In the year that I have lived here, I have been lucky enough to spend some small amount of time each week helping in the library. It is a gem! It is such an important resource for everyone in this lovely little town.
In small towns like Charlotte there are not many chances for people to intersect with one another. The library is a such a place…a point of contact in our community. It seems always to be both quiet and bustling, if that makes sense. Everyone is respectful of the shhhhh! part of being in a library….but there is also always something going on. Tutors are working with children…librarians are working to help people find books, solve their technological issues (yes…this is a service they provide) or leading children in group projects….parents and children are playing and reading in the children`s room….people are combing the shelves for a new book to read or simply sitting and reading the newspaper. If you take a moment to go on the library website, the weekly, monthly and daily programs are varied, topical and numerous.
In today`s world, I believe libraries are more important than ever. They connect people to ideas, to the written word and to each other. We need our library to remain vital and vibrant. In the short time that I have been involved as a volunteer at the library, I have seen how valuable it is but also how limiting the existing space has become for the books themselves and for the programming that can be offered.
I urge you to support the Library Expansion Project. Voice your support on March 5 by voting in favor of the project….and, if you don’t already have one, get a library card today and see the worlds it will open up for you.
Libby Laino
Enthusiastic support for the Charlotte Library Expansion Bond
Sitting on the library floor browsing stacks of books is one of my earliest school day memories. I worked my way through the Bobbsey Twins and Nancy Drew series (now I’ve dated myself) and whatever else piqued my interest. I discovered biographies and learned that real people can be as fascinating as fictional characters. The feeling of doors opening and new possibilities that libraries evoke in me has never gone away. Knowing that 70 percent of Charlotte residents have a library card, I think many in our town share my love of libraries.
The invention of e-readers, news articles on smart phones and Google answers at our fingertips has caused many to wonder if books might become irrelevant. It turns out that people still love to handle printed books, and libraries increasingly utilize technology. People use the Charlotte Library to download e-books, use the co-working space and attend community events. The library is open to all as a welcoming place to share common interests and expand our knowledge.
I am glad to have the opportunity to support the Charlotte Library’s expansion plans. I can hardly wait to see the possibilities the increased space will provide to all Charlotters.
Please join me in voting Yes on March 5 for the bond supporting the library expansion!
Shanley Hinge
(Friends of the Charlotte Library board)
The library addition is a good deal for the town
On Town Meeting day, Charlotte voters will be asked to consider a $700,000 bond to help pay for a much-needed addition to the library. Like many Charlotters, I’m really thankful that we have such a vibrant, useful and well-stocked library. Building an addition will make the library that much better, by providing a room that is dedicated to hosting community events and also freeing up space for more books.
What’s more, the library addition is also an excellent financial deal for tax payers. Like the library itself, the addition will be owned by the town. Construction costs are $1,400,000, half of which will come from the fund-raising efforts of Friends of the Library.
Tax payers are being asked to cover only half the cost of the addition. If the bond is approved, the town will get a $1,400,000 asset for a “price” of only $700,000. That’s an excellent return on the town’s investment.
John Quinney
Support Lousie McCarren for Selectboard
I am writing in support of Louise McCarren for Selectboard for the Town of Charlotte.
For the 34 years that I have known Louise, she has been a wonderful neighbor and friend. When I was a youngster she provided me with the opportunity to learn the responsibility of having a summer job when I helped her with the yard work and cared for her son, Willy, who became like a little brother to me. I was never asked to do something that she would not be willing to do herself.
Whenever a helping hand is needed I can always count on Louise. When I need help with one of the animals she just asks when and where, there is never a question of if. She has a tremendously positive can-do attitude. She is always willing to find a solution for any problem that is put in front of her. It is never a question of whether it can be done, but how it can be accomplished. What an amazing amount of energy! One of the places the energy is most obvious is the extensive gardens that she has at her house. They have been designed by her, and the majority of the care is also done by her.
There are many acts of kindness she bestows on other people for her own satisfaction that have been anonymous because she does not feel the need to seek gratitude from others. The many recipients of flowers, food or sports equipment will probably never know who to thank but will have something as small as a smile brought to their faces or as big as a life-changing experience. The mules are also very happy to see Louise’s car stop by the fence for the regular carrot feeding sessions.
The experience that Louise has gained over the years in her personal as well as professional life in working in a team environment will be a great asset to the people of the Town of Charlotte.
Chrissey L. McCarty
Louise McCarren for Selectboard
What great news to hear that Louise McCarren has thrown her hat into the Selectboard ring to replace the oversized hat worn by Lane Morrison. I for one will happily vote for such a qualified, energetic, kind and good-humored candidate.
Did I mention high-powered? Charlotte will be blessed to be served by Louise’s extensive legal, business, government and board experience. From legal services lawyer at Vermont Legal Aid, to chair of the Vermont Public Service Board, to president of Verizon Vermont and CEO of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council, her professionalism and her ability to work collaboratively to get things done make her someone I am excited to see turn her focus to the Selectboard.
Please join me in voting for Louise McCarren on March 5!
Charles Russell
Dear friends and neighbors,
I am writing to encourage you to support my father, Jim Faulkner, for Charlotte’s three-year Selectboard position.
My father is one of the most family-oriented and supportive parents (and grandparents) that I know. He also has an incredibly strong drive to serve his community. Throughout my life, I have witnessed him dedicating his time to things such as volunteer EMT work, Chamber of Commerce, planning boards and ski patrolling—all the while running a very successful business and never losing sight of his commitment and care of his patients and employees.
Many of you know my dad and know that he has one of the strongest work ethics of anyone you will meet. He works hard to make his family’s life the best that it can be and strives to do the same for the community in which he lives. I am proud of my dad and all that he has involved himself in throughout his life. I feel he will do his absolute best to serve our school and community. Please consider him when voting on Tuesday, March 5.
Kristen Neilson
Support for Louise McCarren
With the departure of Lane Morrison our Selectboard will be losing a strong voice for thoughtful consideration and civil discourse. (Thanks, Lane.) I believe Louise McCarren is the best person to replace that voice.
From her many public board experiences Louise has acquired a sense of how to make boards work effectively. She knows that careful listening, a tone of civility and a sense of mutual respect are essential to keeping a diverse board focused on the most relevant tasks and best reflect our character as a community. A long-term resident of Charlotte, Louise knows the importance that our residents place on key public safety issues and will be a strong supporter of maintaining and enhancing the quality of life for Charlotters.
I hope you will join me in supporting Louise McCarren for the open Selectboard seat.
John Snow
Vote for Louise McCarren for Selectboard
Louise McCarren, a 40+ year resident of Charlotte, will serve as a very capable member of the Selectboard.
With her legal background and many years of public service with State boards and commissions, Louise is well prepared to quickly engage on the many issues that face the Selectboard on a regular basis.
Her law training will be a direct benefit to the many policies, ordnances and official documents that are reviewed. One of the Selectboard’s objectives is to reduce legal expenses, and with Louise’s experience, she will be able to help formulating these draft documents to make them ready for the legal approvals.
Recently retired, Louise is ready to take on this new challenge to serve her community. Please vote for her on March 5, Town Meeting Day, or use an absentee ballot available at the town clerk’s office.
Lane Morrison, retiring selectboard chairperson
Vote for Jim Faulkner for Charlotte Selectboard
I am writing in support of Jim Faulkner for a position on the Charlotte Selectboard. My contact with Jim comes from his service with Charlotte Fire and Rescue as a volunteer EMT and his work on the Corporate Board.
Jim joined as an EMT on the Charlotte ambulance when he moved to town, having served as an EMT for years in Kennebunk EMS in Maine. He was asked to join the Fire & Rescue Corporate Board while we were reorganizing the command structure and making improvements to the organization.
Some of Jim’s strengths include:
1. He listens to all sides before suggesting a plan of action.
2. His experience as a business person (running a successful orthodontic practice), a long-time volunteer fire and rescue experience, and having lived/worked in several states allows him to grasp the key issues while coming to a full understanding of a situation.
3. He has a calm and thoughtful personality.
4. He is always ready to help with any task and knows how important it is to recognize everyone’s strong points.
I support Jim Faulkner because he would be a great addition to the Charlotte Selectboard. Some might say that Jim has only lived in town for five years and may not understand the local issues here. Jim’s previous professional and volunteer experiences, including serving on the Kennebunkport Planning Board while they reorganized their town, combined with his positive personality make him a great choice for Selectboard.
Jim Faulkner will make decisions that are in the best interest of the Charlotte taxpayers.
Jon Davis
Dear Charlotte voters,
It is with pleasure that I write a letter of support for Nancy Richardson for the two-year Selectboard position currently on the March Town Meeting ballot.
Nancy and her family have been active members of the Charlotte community for many years. She has much experience on various boards, and in public policy and government positions. Nancy is also a researcher and writer who has worked with the state in developing methods to improve instruction at all levels from elementary through our state college system. She has a keen interest in effective use of the town’s priorities as framed in the Town Plan, with a focus on encouraging young families to live here as well as being mindful of ways to help our current residents remain.
I first had the pleasure of working with Nancy when she was coordinator of the special education department in the Addison Central Supervisory Union. Much to my delight I moved to Charlotte to find her living across the road! We reconnected and I began to learn of her previous and present commitments to the education of Vermont’s children, the Charlotte community of young and older, and to responsible government that ensures the continued vitality of our village centers.
I believe that we are very fortunate to have such a vibrant, experienced and well-qualified resident who is excited to participate in our town’s government.
Please consider giving your support to Nancy Richardson for the two-year position on the Selectboard.
Terry Close
Jim Faulkner for Selectboard
My name is Ted Kohn. I am reaching out to you, my neighbors, in support of Jim Faulkner. I ask that you please consider him for a position on the Charlotte Selectboard. I’m a Charlotte resident and have known Jim and his family for 12 or so years now.
The way politics are these days, people seem to reside only to the left and to the right. What opportunity does that offer for us to come together? Little, it seems. Jim is an opportunity. I see Jim as a well rounded candidate – a candidate worthy of your consideration no matter your leanings. He’s an exemplary family man and a self-made success. That translates to values and smarts. All of us can appreciate such things and agree that they’d serve our town well.
Jim is incredibly generous with his time and with his resources. He’s willing to get his hands dirty to see that what needs to happen, actually happens. Sometimes it’s out of duty, sometimes it seems to be for the sheer joy of it. In any case, his selfless energy speaks volumes about his character. And that’s the kind of character we should be looking for in a public servant.
I have faith that Jim will approach our challenges head on with the resolve that we need to make Charlotte work for everyone who lives here. He is that friend and neighbor we can come together over. The one who wants the same thing all of us want – the very possible best for this unique place we’re lucky enough to call home.
Ted Kohn
Frank Tenney Deservers Another Term as Charlotte Selectman
I have worked with Frank as a member of the Zoning Board for 3 years, and I have followed his first term as a Charlotte selectman.
He has an encyclopedic knowledge of the town and its regulations. This is priceless when developing and implementing policies that shape the town.
He works well with everyone in Town Hall, is a stickler for detail, and is a good listener.
He is thoughtful, honest, and has no agenda other than the responsible preservation and evolution of our community.
When you bundle all this into a Charlotte native, Frank makes a valuable contribution that we cannot afford to lose.
“ You don’t miss the water till your well runs dry.”
Stuart Bennett
Dear Charlotte Voters:
It is encouraging to see that both Selectboard seats up for election this year are being contested by well qualified, motivated townspeople. I want to voice my support for Louise McCarren in her race. I have known Louise for about 15 years. Here are a few of the reasons we should elect her to the Selectboard:
- Charlotte is an idyllic place, blessed in many ways, but is facing increasing challenges and needs that are often conflicting. Louise brings a lifetime of wisdom and experience helping to solve complex problems involving diverse interests. I suspect that her effectiveness in these situations has to do with her brains, her listening skills and empathy – her genuine appreciation of people and her broad experience in public service.
- Louise has a strong knowledge and deep love of our community, and sincere concern for its citizens.
- Louise has a great sense of humor.
Please vote for Louise!
Robert Bloch