Charlotte Senior Center News – Feb. 20, 2019

“There are three kinds of people in the world: those who don’t know and don’t know they don’t know; those who don’t know and do know they don’t know; and those who know and know how much they still don’t know.”
~ Karen Marie Moning, Bloodfever

Sound a little familiar? Which type are you? How is it that when we are young we are often compelled to think we have the answers? Yet as we age, many of us realize that we do not—even though we have had several decades of living to discover them. Actually, if we are lucky, we come to love the questions.

In February
Starting on 2/21, postponed from last week, is an unusual new course titled Creating in 3-D. Come with artist Linda Finkelstein on a magical exploration of what you can create sculpturally with wood scraps and wood shapes—in the style of Louise Nevelson. The class will run Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. on 2/21, 2/28 and 3/7. Cost for the three-class series is $45. Ms. Finkelstein is an accomplished mixed-media artist and retired art educator. Registration is required.

Attendees were very enthusiastic about the recent three-part series on Musical Immigrations with Dr. Benjamin Klemme, director of the Vermont Youth Orchestra. Everyone is looking forward to hearing what he will present when he returns after the spring. Rumor has it that a musical performance might also be on the agenda.

On 2/28, the second Thursday of the month, the Gents Breakfast meets from 7:30ma.m. – 9:00 a.m. in the Café. The menu and topic of the morning will be announced. Call for information and to make your reservations.

Free Wednesday afternoon events at 1:00 p.m.
Today, 2/20, is Caring for Your Heirlooms. Richard Kerschner, former conservator at the Shelburne Museum for 32 years, will discuss and advise on how to care for your heirlooms, how to decide if they should be conserved, and how to go about finding and communicating with a qualified conservator. Bring in your heirlooms, and ask the questions you’ve had in mind for years.

On 2/27, have a look at the Ultimate Galapagos & Ecuador’s Amazon Wilds with Patrice MaComber. Join her to learn about the culture, history and wildlife of the Galapagos Islands. Spend time in the Ecuadorian rain forest, visiting not only the forest itself but finding out what it is like to live there for a local family.

On 3/6, John Varricchione give you a look at Burlington Before the Mall. What was the neighborhood of the Burlington Mall like in the early 1960s before the impact of urban renewal? Burlington officials saw it as a major step forward, but it later came to be seen as a significant loss. Mr. Varricchione is a member of the Vermont Italian Cultural Association.

Foot Clinic
On Wednesday, 3/6, is our recurring Foot Clinic, starting at 9:15 a.m. with the kind assistance of Martha McAuliffe, R.N.; Julia Jacques, LPN, AEMT; and Samantha Wendell. This clinic does require pre-registration, but the Blood Pressure Clinic at 11:30 a.m. welcomes walk-ins.

Spring Schedule & Calendar
The Spring Schedule is inserted in this issue—and it can also be found on our website. (This is where you can refer your friends who are not yet on our mailing list.) Today is an early Charlotte News publication date, as usually the new season’s schedule is published the last week of the month. Please note that registration for spring classes begins on 2/27.

There are five new courses: Spanish Grammar Review (3/5), French for Travelers (3/12), Write Now! (3/14), an 8-week afternoon course on Mindfulness for Life (4/3), and a 6-part workshop on Living with Chronic Pain (4/18).

Some old favorites are starting up again this season: Aerobic Spring Tune-Up (3/11), Birding Expeditions (3/20), Spring Road Hikes (4/20), Pastel Painting (5/7), and Play Reading (5/23).

There are 13 free Wednesday afternoon events—which include three concerts and three travelogues. Somehow Vince Crockenberg has managed to have his presentation on Cuba After Fidel canceled for a second time due to snow. But he gets yet another chance on 3/27. Mark your calendars. Anticipation continues to build—can he deliver?

Of course, there are still all our other ongoing classes: exercise (9!), art courses with Lynn Cummings (2), language conversation classes (2), book discussion groups (2), games (2), art gatherings (2), and still more. (Did I forget anything?)

Art News
The February Art Exhibit of watercolors and photography by Judy Brook will be coming down soon. Her watercolors are lovely, but it is her photos of “rustscapes” (from farm equipment!) that are truly astounding. Who knew there was a mystery to rust?

The March Art Exhibit will be Cindi Robinson’s photography. She says, “My work tends to focus on that moment of light that will soon pass. Primarily working in landscape and cityscape, I strive to find the … nuances of a place and the effect of light on that space.”
Since the Center’s exhibition space is used for many events and classes, please note the best times to visit Art Exhibits below.

Best times to see Art Exhibits in February & March: Tuesdays & Wednesdays after 2:30 p.m., Thursdays & Fridays after 12:30 p.m. You might also catch a quick peek at about noon on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please call the Center during the week to check on Sunday afternoon availability.

It is possible that we will not have any more snow/ice closures, but when you are in doubt as to whether the Center is open, the phone message will be changed to announce that before 8:00 a.m. The website will be updated as well. Of course, you can always check local TV and radio stations to see if the Champlain Valley School District has canceled classes or has a delayed opening, since we follow their closings.

Note: The center is open during school vacations.

See you soon!

Charlotte Senior Center
(802) 425-6345

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors