Selectboard updates

The Town of Charlotte, VT

The May 29 Selectboard meeting began with further discussion of the Thompson’s Point wastewater ordinance. Language in the document was refined for clarity, but no major changes were made. A full walk-through of the ordinance was scheduled to take place at the June 11 meeting. 

On the subject of connection fees for Lane’s Lane residents, the board decided that payments will be divided into two separate categories: one for construction costs and one for the prorated payment of the original septic system. Construction cost will be determined on a case by case basis, and the prorated payment will be $10,328. Residents will be allowed to make payments over a period of 10 years.

Public comments for the evening included that the Selectboard post minutes from their meetings with the Thompson’s Point Leaser Holder Association so that residents may access them more readily. Selectman Lane Morrison said the minutes would be added to future Selectboard packets as an attachment that can be found online.

In addition, the Selectboard approved bid requests for computer network support and server replacement at the town office based on an estimate provided by SymQuest, the town’s current computer support provider.

The Chittenden County Solid Waste District presented its proposed budget for the 2019 fiscal year, which was approved by the Selectboard. Two highway access permits for 383 Hinesburg Road and 1506 Carpenter Road were also approved.

A representative from the Andrea S. Harvey Revocable Trust requested a license agreement from the Selectboard to locate utilities serving 616 Guinea Road under the roadway but within the Guinea Road right-of-way. The license agreement was approved with the condition that the road commissioner be notified the day of installation.

The police services contract with Vermont State Police was approved with a starting date of July 1, 2018. The Selectboard also waived the penalty for late homestead filing.

The Selectboard reviewed five water operator proposals in the form of open bids. No action was taken pending further evaluation of the prices received.

Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue (CVFR) presented its quarterly financial report to Selectboard members. Currently CVFR is 3 percent over budget. Given improved income, the department expects to end the year on budget. 

The Selectboard gave comments on the long-range management plan for Mount Philo State Park, which included topics such as accessibility and recreation balance. The Selectboard will present the plan for signatures via Front Porch Forum. 

A liability waiver for the Berry Farm concerning a bench adjacent to the nearby trail was approved, stating the town accepts all liability. 

Last, the Selectboard reviewed a letter from Peter Trono concerning the board’s conflict of interest policy. Trono said he had previously brought up the policy in February only to have it discussed after his departure from the meeting. The issue arises from Selectboard member involvement with other committees. Trono said he believes that Selectboard members should recuse themselves from voting on issues concerning committees that they are a part of. After lengthy discussion, the Selectboard decided to take no action as there was no legal precedent that would require them to recuse themselves from voting. 

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors