Senior Center News

Senior Center Menu

Monday Munch (served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.)
Monday, Feb. 12
Beef-cabbage soup, green salad, homemade dessert
Monday, Feb. 19
Split pea & barley soup, beets & orange salad, hot cross buns

Wednesday Lunch
All diners eat at noon
Wednesday, Feb. 14
Beef Bourguignon, valentine cookies, ice cream
Wednesday, Feb. 21
Moroccan chicken stew, maple walnut tart

CVSD 2018-2019 budget information session
Members of the Champlain Valley School District school board will be at the Center on Thursday, Feb.15, 11:00 a.m. to explain the details of and answer questions about the district school budget that we will vote on in March. This will be an informal meeting in the café.

Blood Drive
Thursday, Feb. 8, from 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.mThe Senior Center is a comfortable place to make your much-needed blood donation. We have a reputation for serving great snacks, so make sure you have this date on your calendar.

Resources at Monday Munch
Learn what the Charlotte Library has to offer. Tech Librarian Susanna Kahn will be available in the foyer on Feb. 12 and Feb. 19 from noon to 1:00 p.m. to answer your tech questions, show you how to download an audiobook, register you for a library card, describe which museums you can visit with a library museum pass, check a book out to you and more!

Upcoming programs
Book discussion. Wendell Berry: Standing For What He Stands On. The first session of this three-part program led by Charlotte Library Director Margaret Woodruff meets on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 10:30 a.m. “Wendell Berry is not a prophet. He doesn’t claim to see the future. He’s not crazy about the present, either. But at 83, America’s beloved farmer-philosopher still has plenty to say about how our disregard for the past points us in a destructive direction.” Discuss the writings of Berry that champion “the plight of fragile rural economies and the importance of sustainable agriculture.” Copies of reading selections are available at the Senior Center and at the library. This series is offered in conjunction with the Charlotte Library. Please call to register so we’ll know you’re coming. This group also meets on Feb. 21 and Feb. 28.

Wednesday afternoon programs showcase the variety of interests we find in our community. Drop in to hear about the experiences of our presenters—no need to register.

The program on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 1:00 p.m. is Journey With the Clemmons Family. Jack and Lydia will talk about their honeymoon travel adventures in the 1950s and will include some videos. Daughter Lydia will also talk about the Green Book, used by many African Americans (not her parents, though) to travel around the U.S. safely. The Green Book listed places that allowed African Americans to use the toilet, eat and sleep during a time when racial segregation was legal.

Visit La Reunion and Namibia the following week on Wednesday, Feb. 21, at 1:00 p.m. Join Carl and Carlanne Herzog as they share the highlights of their recent visit to the French Indian Ocean island of Reunion and the southwest African former German colony of Namibia. From tropical forests to volcanoes to desert sand dunes to African wildlife, this photo journey covers a lot of territory and gives insight to two locations largely unknown to and infrequently visited by Americans.

Seniors cook!
The Men’s Breakfast group meets twice a month—the next meeting is Thursday, Feb. 8, 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Join the group for breakfast and conversation. Please call the Center to let us know you’re coming. Suggestion donation: $5.

Wednesday Luncheons: Sit down at noon to enjoy special senior lunches on Wednesdays. Make your reservation by calling the Center at 425-6345. Suggested donation: $5.

Monday Munch: Drop in from 11:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m. on Mondays when local cooks’ menus feature homemade soup (or chef’s choice), salad, bread and dessert. Suggested donation: $5.

February at exhibit
You may recognize Rik Carlson from the Little Garden Market. His show, Boystoystoo and an Emerald City Retrospective, includes his automotive and scenic photography along with a retrospective presentation of Emerald City’s celebrated archives. Rik is a photographer, author, web designer and filmmaker.

Continuing classes
Free ongoing classes include Bridge, Mah Jong, Spanish Conversation, Strength Maintenance, T’ai Chi Practice and Friday Morning Art Group. Check the town website,, or at the Senior Center for more information.

Enroll in the following classes by stopping by or calling the Center at (802) 425-6345: Gentle Yoga, Chair Yoga, Yuan T’ai Chi Chuan, Fitness at Any Age, Pilates and Moving Better/Living Better through Dance. 

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors