Highlights from the Selectboard Meeting

The Charlotte Selectboard, after a lengthy discussion of replacement options for the Town Hall’s aging computer server—including the costs and risks associated with using an on-premise computer server or a cloud-based server—approved a proposal for a new on-premise server, partnering with SymQuest for fiscal years 2017-18 and 2018-19. The costs of the replacement will be spread out over two years, with hardware costs of $6,900 paid from this year’s budget and the $13,500 cost of migrating from the current system to the new system paid out of next year’s budget.
In other business, Selectboard Chairman Lane Morrison noted that the Legislature is considering a bill, S. 274, which would allow towns with shore frontage, including Charlotte, to collect annual property taxes on the proposed VELCO electric power line running under the lake near their shorelines. Rep. Michael Yantachka, (D-Chittenden 4) is throwing his support behind the measure, Morrison said.
The full story on the New England Clean Power Link, which is slated to carry electricity produced from hydroelectric dams in Canada and wind turbines in New York to southern New England utilities via Lake Champlain, passing by Charlotte’s shores on the way, is in the Nov. 15 issue of The News and on our website.
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors