Meet Adrianna LaClair, new probational firefighter

When Adrianna comes to CVFRS for training nights on Wednesdays, she always brings her big smile and quick laugh. She was born in Burlington and grew up alongside her brother who recently moved to New Hampshire. Her dad, who makes hundreds of customers happy at Curtis Lumber, and her mom, who has run a day care for 32 years, have been married 34 years. Adrianna thinks of them as great role models.
Adrianna attended CCS and CVU where her favorite subject was math and her favorite activity was anything outdoors. She particularly loves running during most seasons and snowshoeing in the winter. She did a stint running on the cross-country team, but mainly likes running for the sheer joy—and that includes her treadmill workouts.
After high school, following perhaps in her mom’s footsteps, Adrianna worked in a daycare for a couple years before she started her own business. Because she is vigilant, takes care of the details, and works hard, her residential cleaning service has taken off and keeps her busy during the regular workweek. Weekends you can often find her at The Old Lantern where she helps with set-up and take-down and anything else the celebration requires.
Adrianna is the very proud mom of four daughters. Her oldest is Alexis, age 9, followed by Kierstan, 7, Marissa, 3, and Brooklynn not quite 2. She and her husband, Mike, who works with Ward Preston, are happy to be outside with their quartet doing what we all do for fun in Vermont. She mentioned she needs to ask Santa for a child backpack this year to facilitate snowshoeing.
Adrianna has jumped into the fire training with both feet. If you see her working on vehicle extrication with hydraulic tools, deploying hoses and placing 30-foot ladders, you would really appreciate her commitment.
Favorite food — Pizza loaded. “Isn’t it better that way?”
Favorite music — Whitney Houston
Favorite place visited — So far Hershey, Pennsylvania, Chocolate Tour and the Park
Favorite season — Summer because it is swings, slides and sandbox season
Favorite movie — Train Wreck — loves romantic comedies
Favorite comedian — Bill Engvall, “Deer hunting with my Wife”
What if she won the lottery? — College for the girls, new car, maybe more volunteer time
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