Charlotte Repair Café set for Nov. 11

If you are anything like me you have some things around your home that are no longer functional but you can’t bear to part with them. Perhaps you have a favorite sweater with a few too many holes or a toaster or other appliance with a frayed electric cord or a bicycle with dysfunctional brakes. Do you hate the idea of sending these items to the landfill and don’t have the time to research who can fix them? Transition Town Charlotte has a solution for you! On Saturday, Nov. 11, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Charlotte Congregational Church there will be a “Repair Café”—an opportunity for community volunteer fixers to come together and help those of us with things to fix.
Repairs include, clothing, knitting, correcting tension on sewing machines, tool and knife sharpening, small appliances, small electronics, smart phone tutoring, bicycles, small furniture, lamps, chords, etc.
Repair cafes have become popular around the world as a way to reform our throw-away culture and bring people in communities together for fun and fixing. Things that can be repaired by our fixers include clothing, knitted items, small kitchen appliances, bicycles, lamps, cords and plugs, dull knives and tools, small furniture, garden equipment, the tension on sewing machines, and a host of other things that need mending, adjusting or gluing. We can’t guarantee your item will get fixed, but we think you will learn something and have a good time.
Here’s how it works: gather your beloved but broken items and let us know what you are seeking to get fixed by registering for the event here.
Transition Town Charlotte, the organizer of this event, is a Vermont nonprofit organization that works to strengthen the local economy, reduce our environmental impact, and creatively build our resilience for a future with less cheap energy and a changing climate. Co-sponsors include the Charlotte Grange, the Charlotte Library and the Charlotte Congregational Church. Although there is no charge for the fixing, donations to the Charlotte Food Shelf will be appreciated. Coffee, tea and sweets will be provided by donation, and lunch will be for sale.
For more information or if you are interested in joining our fixers please contact Ruah Swennerfelt, (802) 425-3377 or (802) 922-2259.