Annual Library Book Sale preparations under way

Again this year the Friends of the Charlotte Library book sale will be on a Sunday— July 9—from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You’ll find our usual tent on the Town Green with a wonderful assortment of books at great bargain prices. Various food vendors have been invited to the event to provide sustenance for hungry book buyers.

As always, your donations of books make the book sale the success it is. To help us uphold our reputation for having the best quality used books around, please follow the guidelines below.

Book sale guidelines
To avoid rejecting pounds of books and adding to the already labor-intensive sorting process, please recycle unsaleable books before dropping off your donations at the library.

We cannot accept

  • Damp, moldy or mildewed books
  • Books in poor condition (missing pages/covers, underlined, yellowed, etc.)
  • Textbooks, encyclopedias, Reader’s Digest condensed books
  • Travel books older than 2010
  • Magazines

Here’s what you need to do

  • Throw out damp, moldy, mildewed or smelly books with your trash.
  • Recycle other unsaleable books (see list above):
  • Paperbacks—recycle with your other recyclables or drop off at a Chittenden Solid Waste (CSWD) drop-off site.
  • Hardcovers—cannot be recycled with your regular recycling but can be dropped off at a CSWD drop-off site.
  • Goodwill (open every day) on Shelburne Road takes donations of most books, including textbooks, encyclopedias, old books.

Donations for the Book Sale

  • Bring saleable books to the library when the library is open. Please do not leave donations outside the door when the library is closed.
  • Check in with library staff to find out where to leave your donations and to preview for suitability if you are uncertain.
  • Request a donation receipt from library staff.

We will be accepting donations starting Wednesday, June 21, and ending Thursday, July 6. If you have a large number of books to donate, please call Nan Mason at (802) 425-2588 or Beth Merritt at (802) 425-2191 to make arrangements.

Following these guidelines will make this year’s sale the best ever! We thank you for your continuing support and look forward to seeing you on July 9 for some great book shopping.

If you enjoy The Charlotte News, please consider making a donation. Your gift will help us produce more stories like this. The majority of our budget comes from charitable contributions. Your gift helps sustain The Charlotte News, keeping it a free service for everyone in town. Thank you.

Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors