Notice of five-year lease bidding on Thompson’s Point

The Town of Charlotte is providing a notice of availability of a five-year lease (for the mowing seasons of 2017—2021) to mow and bale approximately 50.4 acres on Thompson’s Point, with the following provisions:

  • Lease Proposals are due on Friday, March 31, 2017 at 3:00 p.m.
  • Mailed or delivered to: Charlotte Town Office,“Agricultural Lease Proposal for Thompson’s Point,” P.O. Box 119, Charlotte, VT 05445.
  • Any questions should be directed to Dean Bloch, Town Administrator, at 425-3701 ext. 5, or via email. The Selectboard intends to award a lease by April 24, 2017.

Minimum Requirements

  • A vegetative buffer shall be maintained between tilled soil and the following: top of bank of surface water, drainage swales and roadside ditches. Buffers shall consist of 25 feet of untilled perennial vegetation. No manure shall be applied within the vegetative buffer, however, harvesting the vegetative buffer as a hay crop is allowed.
  • The wastewater disposal system mounds will not be disturbed. Lessee will be liable for any damage to the wastewater system mounds.
  • Planted trees along roadways and osprey nesting pole will not be disturbed or harmed.
  • Baled hay will be removed by October 31 of each year, unless otherwise agreed to by the Selectboard.
  • Lessee will be responsible for annually repairing any and all ruts created from machinery used for purposes under this agreement.
  • Lessee may fertilize fields, in accordance with a schedule to be approved by the Selectboard.
  • Lessee shall provide a certificate of insurance naming the Town of Charlotte as an additional insured with General Commercial Liability coverage of no less than $1,000,000.
  • A $500 damage deposit will be required, which will be applied to the last lease payment.

The proposal selected will be subject to a lease agreement, which will be binding on the lessee.

The Selectboard reserves the right to select any proposal for any reason, as well as to reject any and all proposals for any reason.

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors