Annual celebration of Charlotte’s town volunteers

Carrie Spear serves cake at the Annual Celebration of Charlotte’s Volunteers at The Charlotte Senior Center. Courtesy photo.

Clark Hinsdale presented at the annual celebration of Charlotte’s volunteers at the Charlotte Senior Center last week. Special thanks went out to all of the many volunteers who provide valuable town services, including school directors, members of boards, commissions and committees, as well as volunteers at the library and Fire and Rescue.

“If you ask some of our most faithful volunteers if they’ve volunteered all their lives in Charlotte they might say, not yet,” Hinsdale said. “We recently lost two volunteers in their 90s who exemplified that spirit.”

Larry Hamilton and Shirley Bean were committed lifers in the volunteer business. “We are grateful for their service, we miss their fellowship, and they enriched our community life,” Hinsdale said.

John Hammer was given a special mention. “Like Larry Hamilton, John Hammer was not born here, and like Larry he moved slightly out of town in his retirement, and like Larry, John’s allegiance remains with Charlotte,” he said.

Jenny Cole was also singled out. “Like Shirley Bean, our second honoree is a home-grown product. She was a long-time Fire and Rescue volunteer, a selectperson, auditor, she serves on the Park Oversight Committee and works in the library. She holds the distinction of being the only person who ever beat Robert Mack in a local election, and she did that twice. Her artwork lovingly chronicles decades of life in Charlotte,” he said.

Hinsdale thanked volunteers Carrie Spear, Suzanne Hinsdale, Heather Manning, Sarah Shays, Sherry Irish, Debbie Christie, Hannah and Jackie Postlewaite. Musical guests Dick Preston and his band, Abbey and Jim Sheldon-Dean and Johnny Sheehan played.

Before the meal Hinsdale said, “With hearts full of gratitude to those who share their time and even risk their lives to serve our community we dedicate this meal. Amen.”

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Scooter MacMillan, Editor