Senior Center News – August 6, 2020
The Senior Center building remains closed, but things are happening. Those activities that are held outdoors, namely Kayaking for Women and Birding Expeditions, have started up again.
The Senior Center building remains closed, but things are happening. Those activities that are held outdoors, namely Kayaking for Women and Birding Expeditions, have started up again.
Still no news from the State of Vermont at this time. Senior centers around this state—and New England—continue to wait to learn when they can re-open, what activities will be allowed, and what the maximum number of participants permitted inside will be. The state has declared that those in the over-65 age category warrant special consideration—so, do not be confused by what is allowed for the general population.
One of the synonyms for “miraculous” is “incredible.” And so, it is miraculous—cum incredible—how gracefully our instructors at the Senior Center have pivoted to the online Zoom format for their classes during the quarantine.