Green Up Charlotte!

Green Up Charlotte!

I don’t know about you, but it warms my heart to see folks out cleaning up our town together. It says so much about how we care for this land and shows how important it is in so many ways to keep trash from piling up. Whether driving, biking or walking around town, isn’t it great to not see that junk? And to share a collective feeling of stewardship? Thank you for helping out on this special day!

Ken Spencer tackles roadside trash with his Planet Pack

Ken Spencer tackles roadside trash with his Planet Pack

When pulling out of the News offices recently I noticed two gentleman walking along Greenbush Road wearing unusual-looking packs on their backs and picking up trash. Always the curiouser, I flagged them down to find out what they were up to. I learned a wonderful thing that day, that Charlotter Ken Spencer had designed and created a backpack for litter pick-up, and, of course, I wanted to know more. Here is the outcome of our recent Q & A.