Vote no on trails funding

Vote no on trails funding

To the editor: With the Charlotte population at approximately 3,800, and according to the trail survey the committee did, seven people use the trail daily…that is a staggering .0018421 percent of our population, and of the 200 people who responded to the survey, that is only five percent of the population.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:
In response to the article in the Charlotte News by Jessica Savage, “Charlotte Crossings Faces Parking Challenge,” [Jan. 23] the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Adjustment would like to clarify some of the history and facts.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

What are the practicalities of the carbon tax bill? It would be difficult to disagree with the words of Rep. Mike Yantachka in accepting an award for supporting passage of the “carbon tax” bill in the Legislature. No question, there is a need to reduce human consumption of fossil fuels.