Letter to the Editor: Spell out the need and cost of proposed community center
A letter from Dennis Delaney.
A letter from Dennis Delaney.
Selectboard passed a masking regulation for Charlotte’s town buildings
Town vote should decide DRB debate
In support of a DRB – Land uses in Charlotte are regulated by two citizen boards. Both are appointed by the Selectboard.
Letter to the editor: Some things sit with you. You cannot shake them because they are just not right. Well, this is one of them for me.
Prep school is misleading town, long-time resident claims Letter to the Editor: My name is Sara Shays and I…
As many of our readers know, in March former Charlotte News editor Chea Waters Evans and this paper parted ways following months of Evans’ controversial reporting on alleged conflicts of interest at the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
What makes The Charlotte News special and what, over the years, has given it ballast when there are waves?
Thank you for the warm welcome and support you have given to The Red Onion!
As volunteer members of the Town’s Zoning Board of adjustment (ZBA), we want to thank everyone involved in recent dialogue around challenges with the Town’s zoning process.
I’m writing to add my voice to those in favor of trail investment and for a “Yes” on Article 4 in the upcoming ballot.
To the editor: With the Charlotte population at approximately 3,800, and according to the trail survey the committee did, seven people use the trail daily…that is a staggering .0018421 percent of our population, and of the 200 people who responded to the survey, that is only five percent of the population.
To the Editor:
In response to the article in the Charlotte News by Jessica Savage, “Charlotte Crossings Faces Parking Challenge,” [Jan. 23] the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Adjustment would like to clarify some of the history and facts.
What are the practicalities of the carbon tax bill? It would be difficult to disagree with the words of Rep. Mike Yantachka in accepting an award for supporting passage of the “carbon tax” bill in the Legislature. No question, there is a need to reduce human consumption of fossil fuels.