Stepping Down
I first became aware of The Charlotte News last spring, during an especially difficult time for the paper.
I first became aware of The Charlotte News last spring, during an especially difficult time for the paper.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I’m writing to thank Mara Brooks for her many contributions to The Charlotte News over the past eight months.
As many of our readers know, in March former Charlotte News editor Chea Waters Evans and this paper parted ways following months of Evans’ controversial reporting on alleged conflicts of interest at the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
We are pleased to announce that Mara Brooks is joining the paper as our Editor, effective immediately.
We are pleased to announce that Kim MacQueen is joining the paper as our News Editor, effective immediately.
What remains With a little fewer than 4,000 people living in our town, I would say those numbers are…
It’s been a long time since I was editor of The Charlotte News and wrote for these pages. My…
I want to thank Peter Trombley for his excellent article, “CVU students travel to Washington to join March for Our Lives.” He captured the tone, the message, the scope and the importance of this very stirring gathering. In addition to the 38 students and five chaperones on the CVU bus, there were hundreds of other Vermonters there, including more than a few Charlotters.
I prepare my weekly lesson plan for the freshman writing course I teach at the University of Minnesota every Sunday. An integral part of the Ph.D. in English Literature program, teaching the basics of writing and research to students majoring in economics, agriculture and biochemistry can be an exercise in dues-paying, the kind of academic scrub work meant to inspire us to become scholars qualified to teach literature courses.
Protesting gun violence – I believe CCS should march and protest gun violence in school on March 14. On February 14, a deadly mass shooting took place at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The lives of 17 innocent people were taken that day, by the alleged gunman Nikolas Cruz. No one did anything to stop it, but can we fix the problem now?
What are the practicalities of the carbon tax bill? It would be difficult to disagree with the words of Rep. Mike Yantachka in accepting an award for supporting passage of the “carbon tax” bill in the Legislature. No question, there is a need to reduce human consumption of fossil fuels.
The Charlotte News is a nonprofit community-based newspaper dedicated to informing townspeople of current events and issues. It serves as a forum for the free exchange of views of town residents and celebrates the people, places and happenings that make the Town of Charlotte unique.
Two weeks ago, on Nov. 15, Lynn Monty resigned as editor in chief of The Charlotte News.
This letter is in response to Rep. Mike Yantachka’s commentary from Nov. 1. It is apparent that human beings are at a critical point in our life on Earth. We are confronted with a significant number of challenges to our well-being and even our future.