Review of East Charlotte Village plan and Act 143 continue

Review of East Charlotte Village plan and Act 143 continue

The January 2 Planning Commission meeting moved the vote on the next steps for East Charlotte village incrementally closer. The commission largely agreed on the proposed village commercial boundaries as presented by Vice Chair Charlie Pughe in an updated map. Members discussed adjusting the boundary line on Hinesburg Road to the middle of the right of way, similar to the proposed boundary line on Spear Street. Member Marty Illick preferred the consistency, “in terms of planning for utilities in the future.”

Planning Commission closes sketch plan review of the library addition

Planning Commission closes sketch plan review of the library addition

The July 18 Planning Commission agenda featured several continuations and a sketch plan review of the Charlotte Library addition. Selectboard Member Fritz Tegatz, supported by Library Director Margaret Woodruff, presented the sketch plan (PC-19-97-SP Charlotte Library), which focused largely on parking and the mitigation of stormwater runoff.

Planning Commission Continues Refinement of Potential Boundary

Planning Commission Continues Refinement of Potential Boundary

The Thursday, April 4 Planning Commission meeting focused once again on the East Charlotte Village District boundary and Charlotte land use regulations, as was proposed during the March 21 meeting. The commission’s goals were to analyze possible development maps, hear public comment, and figure out the finer points of LURs and boundary issues. Attendance was lower at this meeting, with about four members of the public in attendance, as opposed to the previous meeting which had almost 20 concerned Charlotters.