Twins! CVFRS delivers

Twins! CVFRS delivers

A regular Monday morning turned into an extraordinary one this week for Willa and Eric Lampman. Thirty-five weeks and six days into her pregnancy with twins, Willa went into labor at their home in Charlotte and ended up delivering the babies shortly afterward—one while they were still at home.

Coronavirus update from CVFRS and the Vermont Department of Health

Coronavirus update from CVFRS and the Vermont Department of Health

Here are the important recommendations from the Vermont Department of Health as of 3/26/20 to help all of us deal with this challenge. Please visit for up-to-date information about the steps to take to keep you, your family and our community healthy.

Planning Commission considers updates to driveway standards

Planning Commission considers updates to driveway standards

The Thursday September 5 Planning Commission agenda featured only two items and four members: a sketch plan review and a discussion about updating the 1997 driveway construction standards. The commission deferred a joint discussion with the Selectboard about Act 143 and the Charlotte Land Use Regulations concerning agricultural businesses to Sept. 19 because two members of the Selectboard were not able to attend the Sept. 5 meeting, though representatives from Philo Ridge Farm did appear for the discussion and provided written input to the board before departing.

Discussions continue on Mason–Von Trapp sketch plan

Discussions continue on Mason–Von Trapp sketch plan

The Jan. 3 Planning Commission meeting focused primarily on the Mason–Von Trapp sketch plan agenda item, with Chair Peter Joslin opening with an explanation of the intent of the sketch plan discussion: to listen to the ideas put forth by the applicants with a resulting recommendation from the commission. After nearly two hours of discussion from various meeting attendees, the commission scheduled a follow-up site visit and will include the item on a future agenda in February.

Public Safety Fun Fair at Fire and Rescue

Public Safety Fun Fair at Fire and Rescue

On Saturday, Sept. 22, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services welcomes the public for a day of fun and education for all ages. Residents of Charlotte and neighboring towns are invited to visit with public safety providers from a variety of organizations, watch live demonstrations that will include CPR, vehicle extrication, fire demonstrations, and much more. 

CCS students learn fire safety from CVFR

CCS students learn fire safety from CVFR

On Friday, Sept. 14, Charlotte Central School 5th through 8th grade students participated in fire safety training with the Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue. Firefighters Jordan Paquette and Fritz Tegatz talked with students on the dangers of fire, shared safety tips when dealing with a fire and demonstrated how to use a fire extinguisher. The students also got some hands-on experience with the fire hose.

Meet the new CVFRS Corporate Board

Meet the new CVFRS Corporate Board

Corporate President Tom Cosinuke grew up in Pennsylvania and graduated from Westtown School and Gettysburg College. Tom has been lucky to live in Vermont for the past 35 years. He is married to a seventh-generation native Vermonter Annie Kelton but is nevertheless still a flatlander. Tom joined Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services (CVFRS) three years ago.