Senior Center News – March 19, 2020

Senior Center News – March 19, 2020

Spring is just an idea in these parts, and my neighbors still have their snow shovels next to their front doors. But it will come, that is for sure – just not as soon as we may like. In the last issue, the quotes were about mystery. And now we are living in a mystery – of a different sort, unfortunately. The fog of uncertainty makes this health crisis even harder to weather.

Helpful coronavirus updates and procedures

Helpful coronavirus updates and procedures

In the past few days, our office has received a number of questions and concerns regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). At a time when misinformation, false links, and misleading headlines/half-truths spread rapidly, as the Town’s Health Officer, it was of great concern to me that you all received a comprehensive and unified response from the Town of Charlotte as to the current guidance from the State of Vermont.

The family that quarantines together, stays together. Really together.

The family that quarantines together, stays together. Really together.

Just a month ago, Paige and John Reynolds were settling into life with no kids at home; six months before that, their last child had left for college. One college student abroad, one in another state, and one coronavirus later, not only are the chickens coming back to the nest, but there’s a self-imposed quarantine and two family members are moving into the barn. This is the reality of life with college kids during a pandemic.