Taking care of business
The Selectboard tackled topics from picnic tables to open-space tax refunds and everything in between on Monday night.
The Selectboard tackled topics from picnic tables to open-space tax refunds and everything in between on Monday night.
The Recreation Beach Survey has been circulating on Front Porch Forum for the last two weeks and the results are in. Thanks to everyone who responded to the survey—over 225 returns. The results were presented to the Selectboard on November 26.
Greetings from Charlotte Recreation. I think we can all agree that living where we do is a privilege and having access to the lake is a wonderful resource. Charlotte is blessed with a 20+-acre waterfront parcel we affectionately call “the beach,” and the Recreation Department is charged with managing this and other parcels for the town, including the rink, Whiskey Bay and Lanes Lane access.
A shelter for beach attendants at the Charlotte Beach was being built last Saturday by members of the Charlotte Recreation Committee and the Charlotte-Shelburne-Hinesburg Rotary Club. In the coming days the project will be finalized with siding, roof structure, windows and doors. The shelter was designed by Charlotter, Rick Ahern and funds for this project were made possible by the Charlotte-Shelburne-Hinesburg Rotary Club.