Around Town

Around Town

Congratulations: to Jim Hyde who was nominated as one of ten finalists for “Mentor of the Year” through the Comcast /Mobius student mentoring program. Jim mentors two students through  Connecting Youth (CY) at CCS and CVU.

Around Town

Around Town

to Edorah Glazer of Charlotte, the principal at Robinson Elementary School in Starksboro, who has been meeting with 24 other educators in the Vermont School Leadership Project’s class for 2018. The project is sponsored by the Snelling Center for Government and has been in existence for 13 years. Its goal is to help school administrators, including special education and curriculum directors, develop the skills and knowledge to operate effectively. Those who were selected have shown good capabilities in these areas of their work already. The course began in July at the Lake Morey Resort, and Edorah and the others will complete seven sessions over 13 months.