Essential Elements: Spring Cleaning
With April’s Earth Day and May’s Green-Up Day fast approaching, I find myself more and more…
Charlotte Senior Center News: May 3
Getting Ready for an Active Summer? Ginger Lambert will help you achieve that goal on Tuesday…
Around Town: April 19
Congratulationsto Tom and Lori Delia, Charlotters, who for 24 years have owned and operated Trattoria Delia…
Volunteers needed for Green Up Day in Charlotte
It’s time to grab those green bags and pitch in! Every year, for 47 years, neighbors…
Opinion: Defense in Vermont Supreme Court against the “fracked gas” pipeline
In 2016 Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. continued to lay a controversial 41-mile natural gas pipeline through…
In celebration of and preparation for Arbor Day
It’s been more than 130 years since J. Sterling Morton founded Arbor Day. His simple idea…
Local historians attend book signing
An event honoring Vermont’s Civil War history took place at Barnes and Noble Booksellers in South…
Elms return to the park
Stately elm trees with their characteristic vase-shape crowns once towered over forest canopy and urban landscape…