Repair Café
Repair Café Saturday, Sept. 21, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Get your broken stuff ready. The next Repair Café will be at Charlotte Congregational Church co-hosted by Sustainable Charlotte, the Charlotte Grange...
Repair Café Saturday, Sept. 21, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Get your broken stuff ready. The next Repair Café will be at Charlotte Congregational Church co-hosted by Sustainable Charlotte, the Charlotte Grange...
Shelburne Age Well luncheon Wednesday, Sept. 18, 11:30 a.m. St. Catherine of Siena and Age Well are offering a luncheon for anyone 60 or older in the St Catherine of...
Historic shirt workshop Saturdays, Sept. 21 & 28, 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. In this two-day workshop in Rokeby Museum’s Historic House students will learn how to create a historically accurate 18th-century,...
Railroad art talk Saturday, Sept. 21, 2 p.m. Join Shelburne Museum director Tom Denenberg for a gallery talk in this special exhibition that explores the captivating world of trains in...
Candidate forum Saturday, Sept. 21, 2-4 p.m. The League of Women Voters of Vermont will host an in-person candidate forum for the office of Vermont’s governor on Saturday, Sept. 21,...
‘Stories from Ukraine’ film Saturday, Sept. 21, 6:30 p.m. To raise awareness and support for the Ukrainian people, the Burlington-Kuyalnyck Sister City Program and Actions Beyond Words will be showing...
Age Well 50th celebration Thursday, Sept. 26, 5 p.m. Age Well is hosting a 50th celebration at the Old Lantern in Charlotte on Sept. 26 to commemorate 50 years of...
Birds of Vermont Museum walk Saturday, Sept. 28, 8 a.m. Join monthly monitoring walk to record birds on the museum’s property. Please bring binoculars and dress for the weather. Free,...
Bristol Harvest Festival Saturday, Sept. 28, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Bristol will hold its 25th Bristol Harvest Festival on Sept. 28, featuring more than 70 vendors displaying local crafts and terrific...
Walk to Defeat ALS Saturday, Sept. 28, 11:30 a.m. People living with ALS, family members, friends, caregivers and others affected by the disease will come together for the 2024 Walk...
Green Mountain Chorus Saturday, Sept. 28, 2 & 7 p.m. The Green Mountain Chorus, presents “On the One Road,” a musical tribute to all things Irish. In its 77th year...
September bird monitoring walk Saturday, Sept. 30, 7:30 a.m. Join the monthly monitoring walk to record birds on the Birds of Vermont Museum property. Bring your own binoculars and dress...
October bird monitoring walk Saturday, Oct. 26, 8-9 a.m. All birders (current, experienced, newbie and would-be) are welcome. Join the Birds of Vermont Museum’s monthly monitoring walk outdoors on the...
‘The Mousetrap’ Fridays-Sundays, Oct. 4-20 The Valley Players present Agatha Christie’s “The Mousetrap,” Fridays-Sundays, Oct. 4-20, at the Valley Players Theater, 4254 Main Street (Route 100), Waitsfield. Part murder mystery...
Coffee & muffins happy hour Friday, Oct. 4, 8:30-10 a.m. Free coffee & muffins happy hour Friday, Oct. 4, 8:30-10 a.m. Free iced coffee, hot coffee, tea and homemade muffins...
Carving workship Saturday, Oct. 5, 10 a.m-2 p.m. The Green Mountain Woodcarvers will be carving in the workshop at Birds of Vermont Museum in Huntington. Stop in to watch a...
CVU class of 1974 reunion Saturday, Oct. 5, 7-10 p.m. The Champlain Valley Union High class of 1974 will celebrate its reunion at the Eagles Club on Shelburne Road with...
Lewis Creek Association party Sunday, Oct. 6, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The Lewis Creek Association will celebrate the lives and work of Marty Illick and Terry Dinnan with a day-long celebration...
Line dancing class Wednesday, Oct. 9, 7-8 p.m. Line dancing will be taught by Andrea Warren, owner of Good Time Line Dancing, at the Grange Hall. This hour class is...
Arch on Mount Philo Friday, Oct. 11, 5 p.m. The Flynn Theater will sponsor a performance art piece on top of Mount Philo, featuring ice, stone and fire, accompanied by...