Festival of Fools

Festival of Fools Friday-Sunday, Aug. 2-4 Burlington’s Festival of Fools returns for the first weekend in August with dozens of internationally acclaimed street performers, musicians and other artists, including Moon...

50th annual Essex Day

50th annual Essex Day Saturday, Aug. 3, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first Essex Day with a free street party and town-wide yard sale in historic...

Mindful Yoga

Mindful Yoga Tuesday, Aug. 6 , 5:30-7 p.m. Tour and art-based meditation in the exhibition A Grand Spectacle in the Great Outdoors: Elliot Fenander’s Circus Photography in the Shelburne Museum’s...


Historic fashion in Middlebury

Historic fashion in Middlebury Wednesday Aug. 8, noon-1 p.m. Costume designer Summer Jack and exhibit curator Eva Garcelon-Hart will present an informal tour of the From Homespun to Couture: Fashion...

Vermont Genealogy Day

Vermont Genealogy Day Friday, Aug. 9, noon-2 p.m. The Vermont Genealogy Day or Day of Remembrance will be celebrated at the town hall in Concord. Started in 2010, the event...

‘Lost Nation’

‘Lost Nation’ Friday, Aug. 9, 7-9:30 p.m. Vermont director Jay Craven’s “Lost Nation” will be shown at Ferrisburgh Town Hall on Route 7. The film explores the actions of a...


Grandma’s Trunk — Vintage Fashion

Grandma’s Trunk — Vintage Fashion Saturday Aug. 10, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Bring your vintage hats, dresses, shoes and other items to learn about vintage fashion. Fashion historians, accessory makers, mending...

Pie and ice cream social

Pie and ice cream social Sunday, Aug. 11, 1-4 Having a great day is as easy as pie at Rokeby Museum’s annual Pie & Ice Cream Social. Come hungry and...

Mallard carving class

Mallard carving class Wednesday-Friday, Aug. 14-16 The Birds of Vermont Museum is hosting the Green Mountain Woodcarvers’ annual three-day seminar. This year, they will carve a mallard drake. Matt Strong...

‘Sounds Like Us’

‘Sounds Like Us’ Wednesday-Saturday, Aug. 14-17, 6:30 p.m. “Sounds Like Us” is an original musical revue by Bill Feehely and Heather Maxey, featuring true stories and experiences of people who...


Charlotte Walks

Charlotte Walks Friday, Aug. 16, 8:30 a.m. Get more familiar with Charlotte’s public trails and other Charlotters. Join the Grange for Charlotte Walks. Every third Friday meet for a walk...

Kids Day

Kids Day Friday, Aug. 16, 3-6:30 p.m. The Richmond Farmers Market launches its first annual Kids Day on Friday, Aug. 16, with premier kids musician Emma Cook and kids’ crafts...

Woodcarvers annual show

Woodcarvers annual show Saturday, Aug. 17, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Celebrate woodcarving at the Green Mountain Woodcarvers 51st annual show at the Birds of Vermont Museum. Discover some of the variety...

Plant walk

Plant walk Friday, Aug. 23, 4:30-5:30 p.m. The Richmond Farmers Market is holding a special event series for those who want to expand their knowledge of local plants. Local herbalist...

Museum on Main Street

Museum on Main Street Friday, Aug. 23 The Smithsonian’s Museum on Main Street exhibit Crossroads: Change in Rural America (Crossroads) opens on Friday, Aug. 23, at the Saint Albans Museum,...

Dead Creek craft event

Dead Creek craft event Saturday, Aug. 24, 10 a.m.-noon Young kids are invited to crafting at the Dead Creek Visitor Center in Addison from 10 a.m.-noon. Crafts include bird-centered illustrations...

Vergennes Day

Vergennes Day Saturday, Aug. 24, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Vergennes Day is an annual celebration featuring over 60 vendors in the city park. The event includes live music on the bandstand,...

Music at Charlotte Museum

Music at Charlotte Museum Sunday, Aug. 25, 1-2 p.m. The Steph Pappas Experience will be performing music 1-2 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 25, on the lawn at the Charlotte Museum, 215...

Veggie Share

Veggie Share Tuesday, Aug. 27, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Bring surplus garden harvest to share and swap with neighbors to the Charlotte Grange. And enjoy a short canning and food preservation demonstration...

August bird monitoring walk

August bird monitoring walk Saturday, Aug. 31, 7:30 a.m. The Birds of Vermont’s monthly monitoring walk to record birds on the museum property is Saturday, Aug. 31. Please bring your...